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John T. Reed’s news blog

John T. Reed’s review of The Hundred-Year Marathon by Michael Pillsbury

Posted by John Reed on

Reading further in The Hundred-Year Marathon subtitle China’s Secret Strategy To Replace America As the Global Super Power by Michael Pillsbury:.The main point of the book is the mainland Chinese have a long-term plan to take over the world which they feel was unjustly taken away from their superior, more virtuous race by us barbarians and their plan is based on thousands of years of oriental mysticism wisdom which is far superior to the wisdom we barbarians accumulated in the same thousands of years. And the mainland Chinese are paranoid thinking we are trying to do the same to them...

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Prosecute the Buffalo mass murderer, but be as eager to prevent the far more numerous daily black on black inner-city murders.

Posted by John Reed on

The black mayor of Buffalo angrily said he would not let the world forget the 10 people who were murdered there Sunday. . What a great guy! But he HAS let the world forget about the 67 murders that happened in Buffalo last year. . I did not put it into my Unelected President novel, but I think the presidents should have a ranked list of all causes of premature death in the US available at all news conferences. Every time anyone asks about someone dying, the ranked list of US causes of death should pop up. Mass shootings would be...

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Putin can’t destroy our cities. The Democrats already did.

Posted by John Reed on

Citibank moving from NYC to Sioux Falls In 1981, Citibank in NYC did something that I as a real estate investment writer recognizes was earth shattering. They moved their credit card processing from NYC to Sioux Falls, SD. . At the time, that was unheard of. Citibank was a long-time huge bank headquartered in NYC. How and why could they move such a big operation so far away and to the boondocks, no less, not Chicago of LA? Satellites and no interest rate limits Two reasons. Satellite communications had been invented and was ready for prime time. I graduated from...

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Super book on baseball pitching

Posted by John Reed on

I have read a zillion books on baseball—maybe more than any other subject other than real estate. And there may be more baseball books than real estate books. One of the best is one I am now reading: A History of Baseball in Ten Pitches by Tyler Kepner. It is a bad title. The book is about the grip and other techniques and actual performance details and mostly mental aspects of pitching each of those pitches. Also, the basic idea of what pitchers are trying to do and what batters are trying to do. For example, I couldn’t find it...

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Tucker Carlson and the “isolationism without limits is no vice” crowd

Posted by John Reed on

I highly praised Tucker Carlson here in the last year I think. . But I noted he has some blind spots. Nowadays, he is essentially an absolute isolationist, a believer in the notion that we must retreat from all nuclear weapons owners who threaten to use them against us..By definition, if all nations were absolute isolationists who would only fight when they were invaded, evil dictators could take over the world one county at a time by the salami-slice gradual divide-and-conquer approach. . He acknowledges that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is totally wrong, but rejects doing anything to stop or reverse...

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