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John T. Reed’s news blog

Defaulting on the national debt makes a surprising amount of sense

Posted by John T. Reed on

The U.S. government owes over $28 trillion after the 2020 coronavirus. That is also known as our national debt. It is also the total amount of U.S. government bonds we have sold. You can see the real time amount of it zooming up like a rocket car odometer at We are increasing the national debt each year by the amount of our annual deficit spending.  Defaulting would mean stealing the money we borrowed from the bond buyers by reneging on paying it back. Would that be immoral? Absolutely. My personal code says, Tell the truth.Keep your promisesTreat others as...

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Trump derangement syndrome

Posted by John Reed on

I have written in the past about Bush, Cheney, and Palin derangement syndrome. It is a psychiatric defect suffered only by Democrats. Now we have Trump derangement syndrome. He is the Republican presidential nominee. Paradoxically, this syndrome afflicts only former Republican elites.Apparently these folks thought they owned the Republican Party. However, because they need 70 million voters to win in November every four years, they led the rank-and-file Republican voters to believe that THEY owned the party and got to choose its nominee. It is fair to say that the Republican Party elites regret that they did not create a...

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Hillary’s pan-inoffensiveness offends me, and millions of others

Posted by John Reed on

I came across a great compound word today in an old review by Martin Amis of Hillary’s book It Takes a Village. It’s on today’s WSJ editorial page. He said the books was the product of a large staff effort to achieve “pan-inoffensiveness.”Not only is that the goal and “skill” of politicians, nowadays, about 99% of the population are also “politicians.” Most are amateur politicians, water-cooler politicians, high-school-cafeteria politicians. They all are convinced the only way to succeed in life is to avoid pissing anyone off.The only way to do that is to do nothing and say nothing, which is...

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Trump’s actions have never been crazy; his words, often

Posted by John Reed on

The fear about Trump is that he would do crazy things as president because he says crazy things. I suggest that readers look at the actions Donald has taken during the 52 years since he graduated from high school, not his words, and ask if any are crazy.They were not. In college from 1964 to 1968—the same years I was in college—a lot of kids, maybe most, did drugs, got drunk, adopted radical positions like burning their draft cards and going to Canada or blowing up police stations.Many others dropped out of college, like Scott Walker and Rush Limbaugh or...

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How did the Clintons make $45 million from ‘public service’ salaries of $174,000 and $203,700?

Posted by John Reed on

The amount of money amassed by Bill and Hillary, a couple who have had virtually no association with the for-profit portion of the world economy, is obviously influence peddling. The money came to them in the form of both excessive speaking fees and in the form of contributions to the Clinton Foundation.The speeches they made can be appraised. The comps would be speeches made by other similarly situated persons—former presidents, former secretaries of state, former Senators. It is possible that the Clintons made a market-value speech somewhere along the line—where they got paid a cut of the take—but I doubt...

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