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Yet another whispered warning of hyperinflation by the Wall Street Journal

Posted by John T. Reed on

Once again, the WSJ is whispering “hyperinflation” is a crowded theater. This week’s “cover our ass with multiple warning articles” item is an op-ed on page A17 by William Walker titled “The Coming Demand Surge Brings Back Memories of 1970s Inflation.” Google the title to read it.
As always in this informal Journal series, they refuse to use the work “hyperinflation.” I suspect they fear being accused of being tin foil hat wearers.
As always in this informal Journal series, the punch line is in the final sentence: “Once [inflation] gets its claws into a demand-fueled, supply-constrained economy, it can become a scourge and history teaches that there is not an easy or painless way to tame it.”
Note the word “scourge.” That means hyperinflation. But no tin-foil hat accusations. I accuse the Journal of whispering fire in a crowded theater that is, in fact, on fire. In this analogy, the fire is the hyperinflation.
It is PROPER to yell fire in a crowded theater that is on fire. Whispering fire in a crowded theater that is on fire is an immoral dereliction of duty. If we are going to have hyperinflation of the USD, and I think we are, the Wall Street Journal, more than all other periodicals should have warned us.
Instead, all you have warning you is little old me.
Word to the wise.
How to Protect Your Life Savings From Hyperinflation & Depression, 2nd edition book

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