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John T. Reed’s news blog

Don’t tell me I can’t call illegals wading across the Rio Grande River wetbacks

Posted by John Reed on

Eisenhower's Operation Wetback deported hundreds of thousands of illegals. Today's WSJ calls that word setback and ethnic slur. . The hell it is. Illegals from Mexico then and now cross the Rio Grande without the aid of a bridge. When you do that, your back gets wet. It is illegal to enter the US that way. . So I speak for many when I we are pissed at wetbacks doing that. I do not give a rats rump about wetbacks not liking the name wetbacks. They tried to "outlaw" illegals, too. They can kiss my Ellis-Island-descendant ass. . Same goes...

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Rams lost to the Lions because they did not comply with my pace graph on their take-the-lead possession

Posted by John Reed on

Rams took the 3-point lead in the fourth quarter on Sunday night football. Lions kicked the tying FG at :17 left..My Football Clock Management book says they should have been following what I call the pace graph which is a chapter in my book..The basic principle of the pace graph is that sometimes you want to score but not too fast. The Rams scored too fast. The pace graph would have told them to slowdown. .The Rams ran ten plays on that take-the-lead possession which started at 9:09 and ended at 4:30. In a max slowdown, you can kill :46 seconds...

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Kamala will empty store shelves if the wins by forcing stores to sell everything at a loss

Posted by John Reed on

Tens of millions of Dem voters love the idea of anti-price gouging laws. I have said I expect to head for Canada as a tourist if and when hyperinflation happens. But I need to do the same if we get price controls withOUT hyperinflation..Hyperinflation destroys the purchasing power of all USD-denominated assets like cash, bank accounts, bonds, certificates of deposit. But hyperinflation does not make you leave the country. Not at all. .What makes you need to leave the country is the combination of hyperinflation and the five bad laws government always pass once hyperinflation starts:.• Capital controls (force you...

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Kamala price controls will empty the store shelves

Posted by John Reed on

Kamala says she will have the FTC sue big corporations who price guage[sic]. She means gouge. They will sue if those corporations “don’t follow the anti-price gouging rules.” .There ARE no such rules. To have such rules, they have to define “gouging.” There is no such definition. “Gouging” is simply libeling a seller charging a price that the speaker does not like. Gouging is a dysphemism, the opposite of a euphemism. It is just a word that describes a routine business practice, setting selling prices, but tries to cast aspersions on it..Vague laws are unconstitutional..To sue or prosecute grocery price gougers,...

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Why Kamala cannot get rid of obstacles to lower home prices

Posted by John Reed on

Kamela wants to make it easier to buy your first home. Among other things, she is going to give first time home buyers $25,000 for down payment money. Many on TV say that money will go to the sellers who will all raise their prices $25,000..It that true? Roughly yes..The PITI to buy a home stems from the price and mortgage interest rate. She is NOT doing anything to the interest rate. They are generally set in world markets..How do you reduce the home prices? Supply and demand set all prices. The only way to lower home prices is to...

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