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Dems damn Trump if he does and if he doesn’t on Covid 19

Posted by John T. Reed on

The Dems are singing Happy Days Are Here Again because the stock market is falling and, can they hope, maybe they will get the great political gift of thousands of Americans getting sick and dying from covid 19.
Dems say he did not ask for enough money to fight the virus.
He can ask for more later if it is needed.
And why should the Dem habit of throwing taxpayer money at problems be the rule? It has been said that a crash program is assigning nine men to getting a woman pregnant so that the baby will arrive in one month instead of nine.
If $2.5 B is not enough, that implies the Dems have a shopping list of more than $2.5B that makes sense. Pray tell, may we see it?
No. There is no such list. they are just going to say that everything Trump does or does not do is wrong, horrible, towering incompetence.
My impression is what is needed is time—time to grow vaccines and viruses in order to do tests.
So far, the US seems to be doing better than everyone else in part because of Trump’s instinct to quarantine severely.
The stock market seems to be doing what it is doing because of hypertimid money managers who programmed their computers to panic at the slightest stimulus.

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