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Anti-Israel demonstrations are not about Israel. It’s parent painting

Posted by John Reed on

I never see an American Hamas supporter interviewed on TV, so I am not sure what their real motive is.
However, I was in college—true it was West Point, not a big protest campus—during the Vietnam war.
After the war ended, one of the Chicago Seven, Abbie Hoffman I think, admitted that the whole Vietnam war protest was not about the morality of the war, as they screamed. Rather, he said the whole thing was just about parent baiting. In other words, the college kids were just trying to outrage the maximum number of grown-ups as much as possible.
Then, our parents’s generation had survived The Great Depression and won World War II, the latter being the source of enormous quiet pride to them. What better way to outrage the grown-ups who were drafted, went to war, got wounded or killed or at least served abroad for years than for their own children to burn their draft cards and chanting “Hell, no. We won’t go.” at the generation who sang the song “Over There” and lived its lyrics.
One popular chant in the 1960s was, “Hey hey, LBJ, how many kids did you kill today?” Students waved the enemy North Vietnamese flag. Sound familiar?
This is just overage children deliberately antagonizing parents for the fun of it. What better way than to support terrorists? Osama Bin Laden’s allies.
Defund the universities and their students. If they have to pay 100% of the cost, they might attend class and work hard to get a good education instead of throwing tantrums..
West Point chose me to represent our school at a national student conference at Principia College about the race riots the prior summer of 1967. I was picked because the professor in charge said I was the only cadet who read the whole Kerner Commission Report (true). I remember one professor there was asked some cosmic government policy question about how students could change society’s attitudes about race. The professor just said, “I think students should study.”

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