Football Clock Management, 5th edition
Purchased by the Bills, Colts, Cowboys, Eagles, 49ers and Titans, as featured in the 1/26/09 issue of ESPN magazine ("3-2-1...MELTDOWN")
ESPN Magazine - There's plenty of help out there if teams want it. John T. Reed, a Harvard MBA, Northern California real estate guru and former high school football coach, is the author of Football Clock Management, 280 pages of graphs and charts explaining how to handle time better. The book is also loaded with oft-forgotten mantras like "Every second you leave on the clock unnecessarily may be the one your opponent uses to beat you."
‘That was really good!’ - Bill Walsh
6/1/04—John T. Reed had just delivered a clinic speech on Football Clock Management to a select group of prominent minority coordinators at NCAA headquarters in Indianapolis. Bill Walsh, sitting in the front row after his lecture on the passing game, stood up and made that comment to Reed. Walsh seemed surprised at how much he had learned from the talk. When Reed asked Walsh for advice on how to make the talk better, Walsh added, “You’re the man on clock management. Act like it.”
- 298 pages, 8 1/2 x 11 paperback, $39.95
- Table of contents
- Improvements to FCM since 2001
- Reader comments
- Football Clock Management News
- Football Clock Management errata
- Article about Seattle clock management in Super Bowl XL
- Index
- Front matter (copyright page, etc.)
- John T. Reed’s football coaching background
- Turbo charge any offense with the warp-speed, no-huddle tempo
“It is a magnificently thorough treatment of the subject and is worthwhile reading for every coach and aspiring coach. It must have been fun to research and write it.” Marv Levy, Hall of Fame NFL coach
Play-by-play analysis of the clock management of the Patriots-Giants Super Bowl by John T. Reed
“Every coach should read this book.”Hal Mumme, Head Football Coach, University of Kentucky
Football Clock Management, 5th edition is a 298-page, 8 1/2 x 11, paperback book by John T. Reed. It covers the clock-management aspects of offense, defense, and special teams. $39.95 plus CA residents pay sales tax.“I know that [our head] Coach Miriello meant it when he said, ‘Football Clock Management is the best football coaching book I have ever read.’” Gene McCabe, Running Backs Coach, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA
If you have the guts to manage the clock correctly when everyone else is still doing it the old, wrong way, you probably also have the guts to benefit from my other book The Contrarian Edge for Football Offense.
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