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How to Do a Delayed Exchange, 2nd ed.

How to Do a Delayed Exchange, 2nd ed.

  • $ 2995

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Delayed exchanges are not as complicated as most investors seem to think. This book explains exactly what the exchange law, court decisions, and regs say and how they relate to your delayed exchange. You'll learn what must be in an exchange agreement, whether you need an intermediary at all, how to choose an intermediary and an attorney, how to identify the property(ies) you want to acquire, how to protect yourself from embezzlement by an intermediary, how much to pay for delayed exchange services, and more. Don't overpay for delayed exchange services because you're unnecessarily paranoid about exchange law. The law is, in fact, simple and easily complied with if you know how. And you will know how after reading this book covering all the pertinent rules.

Here is an email Landlording author Leigh Robinson sent to a woman who asked him about which exchange intermediary to use:

I am a big fan of 1031 exchanges. I wouldn't have the net worth I have today had I paid the capital gains taxes on my every property sale. That said, I recommend that you buy a copy of Jack Reed's "How to Do a Delayed Exchange" ( and read it thoroughly. It may just be the best $29.95 you'll ever spend. FYI, I have never used a commercial intermediary. I have always followed Jack's procedure for using a friend or a neighbor as my intermediary and have never experienced even a hiccup in doing so. Good luck!--Leigh

Note: On one deal, Leigh called my bluff and used ME as his intermediary. There were no problems with it. My “fee” was lunch.

No, I will not be yours.

Now including Reverse Delayed Exchanges

We have discontinued the book Reverse Delayed Exchanges and now made it part of the 2nd edition of How to Do a Delayed Exchange.

Not available in traditional or online book stores

58 pages, 8 1/2 x 11 paperback, $29.95

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