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John T. Reed’s news blog

Create your own foreign exchange ‘index fund’ to save you from hyperinflation.

Posted by John Reed on

I advocate seven foreign currencies to hedge against USD hyperinflation. Initially, I got some criticism about flaws in one or more of the seven. That ended when I insisted critics state what better currency should replace the one they are criticizing. . Recently, a reader ignored that rule and persisted in criticizing my choices. . My seven foreign currencies are supposed to be a sort of mini foreign currency index fund. That means the average of the performance of all is the metric by which they should be judged. . Furthermore, I have said a zillion times, I am trying...

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The notion that the marines or the army never leave a soldier behind is wrong.

Posted by John Reed on

The remains of Corporal Luther Story have been found in Korea and returned. He very deservedly received the Medal of Honor. fact that jumped about his story was it is evidence of something that I have long said. Contrary to widespread belief, it is NOT military policy to never leave a dead solder or marine behind on the battlefield. It should only take even a layman minutes to recognize that there could be no such policy. Military units operate pursuant to missions. If they can accomplish the mission and recover a KIA, they do it. The second priority is...

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Foreign currency can save you from inflation below the hyperinflation level.

Posted by John Reed on

I advocate foreign currency as a hedge against hyperinflation. But it's also a hedge against lower inflation. .I once tested one of my foreign debit cards in my local supermarket. Inserted it, typed my PIN, done. Same as using US debit card..That may be outlawed during hyperinflation, but not yet..Inflation is not a problem afflicting American PEOPLE. It only an affliction the US dollar. So stop using the US dollar. How? Open a foreign account in a low inflation country then use your ATM card on that account to buy stuff..To the merchant, it looks like you are paying in...

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Do not buy bonds.

Posted by John Reed on

I have zero use for ANY bonds and regard them as grounds to have a conservator appointed by a court to prevent you from pissing any more of your life savings away..Bill Gross the Bond King was asked for a succinct comment on bonds recently. “Beware of inflation,” he said..Ya think? The real yield from a bond is nominal interest rate minus taxes due on the interest minus the inflation rate. That will often be NEGATIVE, almost guaranteed to be negative if inflation rises after you buy the bond..I just read the footnote on page 213 of the book The...

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You can live like a king in a hyperinflated nation if you are not a citizen of that country.

Posted by John Reed on

I said here recently that it looked like you could live like a king now in Argentina because vouchers are a foreigner who is allowed to use USD. WSJ today has an article today touting that country and Japan and Hungary for being attractive to Americans for cost reasons. The yen has fallen against the dollar..I long ago noted Budapest had a very low cost of living. The reason today is same as Japan. The forint fell against the dollar..I was in Budapest in 2018. It creeped me out. I like London. But when you leave London moving east the...

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