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Tucker going conspiracy theorist. Too bad.

Posted by John Reed on

I was very impressed with Tucker Carlson a year or so ago. He has now turned into a total conspiracy theorist kook.
One is UFOs being extraterrestrial space craft an Roswell and all that. There have never been extraterrestrials in our solar system. We know that because the closest planets with temperatures permitting life are too far away.

Several confirmed exoplanets are hypothesized to be potentially habitable, with Proxima Centauri b and Gliese 667 Cc (23.6 ly) considered among the most likely candidates.

Proxima Centauri is the closest and it is 4.1 light years away. That means it would take that many years traveling at the speed of light for them to get here one way. As far as we know, it is not possible to travel at the speed of light or faster. Warp speed is science fiction.
There is something that does travel at the speed of light: radio waves. We have never detected radio waves from anywhere in the universe. If there are super advanced beings on Proxima Centauri, either they just invented radio in the last four years. But somehow they could travel hereat the speed of light

He is also big on being certain Russia blew up its gas pipeline because they had the most to benefit. A. I am not sure that is true. B. There are always various people who benefit from every event and the generally did not cause the event in question. That was the line of reasoning behind the movie JFK.
He reportedly says hurricanes are a scam.
There are many others.
Conspiracies really exist. But the kook version uses logically invalid arguments like anyone who benefitted may have caused it. One of the first things that benefitted me in my life was getting to West Point as a 17-year old. Does that fact that I benefitted mean I made it happen? No. I would have no clue about how to influence the process and would have been terrified that any such effort would have gotten me rejected and banned.
Another characteristic of invalid theories is they claim massive numbers of co-conspirators every single one of whom totally sits on the story of the century and keeps the secret thereby eschewing fame, whistleblower rewards, a book deal, hero status, and more.
It is also useful to note that these conspiracies remain successful with the good guys never having broken in and got the evidence. That is not the way real conspiracies work, like Russia Collusion, the Hunter laptop, 

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