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Is hydroxy chloroquine a placebo?

Posted by John T. Reed on

People often claim studies prove they are right. A guy below says 2000 people say hydroxy chloroquine made them better therefore it did.
But those, if they exist, are anecdotal. Laura Ingraham laughs out loud that Doctor Fauci is so stupid to say such a thing.
Those results appear to all be from situations where a doctor tells a patient that here’s a pill that might work. It worked for others. Then the patient got better. Hooray, it worked?
It may have been irrelevant.
In 2005, Dr. John Ioannidis published a famous study titled “Why Most Published Research Findings are False.”
In 2015, Science magazine tried to reproduce the results of 100 prominent psychological studies and only confirmed 39% of them.
In 2012, Amgen tried to reproduce 53 respected hematology and oncology studies and only succeeded with six.
Furthermore, these are peer-reviewed published studies that were proven false. The hydroxy chloroquine results are not peer-reviewed, published, medical studies. These are just doctors handing out pills and telling the patients it will probably cure them.
A proper study has three groups of people with covid 19. The stage at which they start taking the pill must be the same. One group gets NO TREATMENT, one group gets the PILL(s) containing hydroxy chloroquine and Z-pack but is not told what the pill contains, and the third group gets identical looking pills containing NO MEDICINE. Double blind means neither the doctors handing out the pills nor the patients know which group is getting the real pills.
Real doctors who have done such studies will tell you that many of the patients taking the placebo will miraculously recover. Some patients taking the real pills will see no effect. And some patients who get no real pills or placebo pills will also have miraculous recoveries. If you have not ever done such studies, you have no clue about how these things really unfold.
The purported persons who have been given the pills and had good results were the exact opposite: not blind, not double blind, no control group, no placebo, and little data that I know of on how the patients were chosen. Finally, many, maybe most, of the patients were in China. Those numbers cannot be trusted.
No one is saying ban the pills. Rather real doctors are asking that proper test rules be followed while the pills are being given. I do not know what the study will find, unlike Dr. Hannity and Dr. Tucker and Dr. Trump. But If I had to guess I expect real studies of these two medicines as covid 19 treatment will find there are some people who should NOT be given this medicine at all and that of the people who should get it some will get moderate benefits from it, not miraculous, overnight, full cures.
Shame on the real doctors for not explaining why this is so.

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