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Hatred of anything does more damage to the hater than the hatee, incluging Trump hatred

Posted by John T. Reed on

Opioids kill pain and apparently are enjoyable to many. I have never used them much and never overused them, but I found they may me feel groggy and sleepy which I did not think was enjoyable.
The following was once said about heroin.
Beginning is euphoric, continuing is disaster, and quitting is impossible.
But I come to you today not to comment on opioids, but rather to note the enormous similarities between opioid use and addiction and consequences of Trump hatred.
Trump hatred is apparently great fun for many. They are gleeful, euphoric when they engage in it. “We’re gonna impeach the MFer,” said to orgasmic cheers.
But it is the road to political hell—NO MATTER WHICH PARTY DOES IN IT.
Am I saying you must support Trump. No. What I am saying is that blind hatred of anyone or anything is dangerous to you and to institutions that engage in it like the Dem party is now doing.
Take Bill Kristol for example. He is the son of the late iconic conservative Irving Kristol. Bill was the head of conservative Weekly Standard magazine and a frequent cable news guest.
Then came the 2016 election. Bill did not like Trump. More accurately, he could not stand Trump. Late in the 2016 nominating process, Kristol even tried to get Mad Dog Mattis to run for the Republicantion nomination. I spent several days on a Weekly Standard with Bill in December 2016.
Mad Dog later became Trump’s Defense Secretary then quit in a huff because he disagreed with Trump’s often being at odds with our military allies.
The Weekly Standard disappeared off the face of the earth because its Trump hatred alienated too many of its subscribers. Bill now appears occasionally on non-Fox News cable shows playing the role of Republican Trump hater. Weekly Standard, a print magazine, was subsumed by Washington Times which now is print and online. The Times used to be just online.
See also Mitt Romney. After losing in 2012, he probably had a great reputation as a smart, gentlemanly, but a little too nice statesman.
Forget that. Late in the 2016 Republican nomination campaign, Romney tried to destroy Trump with a very harsh speech.…/Mitt_Romney%27s_2016_anti-Trump_…
So, yes, Mitt got elected to retired Orin Hatch’s senate seat, but his new reputation is of a mean-spirited, exaggerating Trump hater. Trump considered him for Secretary of State. Trump did appoint a couple of other borderline haters like UN ambassador Nikki Hailey and Energy Secretary Rick Perry. They are both now Trump supporters.
Absent Mitt’s Trump hatred addiction, he would have been a prominent Republican, maybe a Senate leader, maybe cabinet secretary, blue ribbon commission leader, Federal judge, ambassador, special prosecutor, special envoy, or maybe top TV analyst.
No more. Utah senator, yes. But I do not see him getting any of the other positions I just mentioned.
You also have Jeff Flake whose Senate career seemed to dissolve in his Trump hatred which he is still enjoying as a prominent Dem favorite Trump critic.
Now let me talk about Van Jones, a prominent Dem but NOT a Trump hater. He is the guy who said on Stephanopolous TV show that Trump might win the Republican nomination. He was laughed at but held his ground.
He just said the impeachment may hurt Democrats by energizing Trump’s base. Other non-Trump-hater Dems have worried that partisan impeachment against Clinton had a devastating effect on Republicans and Newt Gingrich, then Speaker of the House. Van Jones, originally seen as some sort of Communist holdover from the 60s is now a sort of cable TV statesman with credibility as an objective pundit.
Then there is the whole Dem Trump hatred of Robert De Niro, The View, MSNBC, CNN, The Squad, late-night comedians, SNL, Schiff, DEEP State FBI and intel haters, and its preeminent manifestation: the impeachment activities in the House. We need the 2020 election to see for sure. But there are a number of logical analyses that suggest the whole impeachment/Russia Collusion/XXVth Amendment/obstruction obsession of the Dems may wreak historic havoc on their representation in Congress and on the presidential election.
Throughout my life, I have heard that hatred hurts the hater more than the hatee. Dems seem to think Trump hatred is an exception to that age-old observation. No, it’s not.

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