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The Unelected President, a forthcoming novel by John T. Reed


Mike Medlock, a libertarian, non-politician accidentally becomes president of the United States while serving out a dead senator’s term. He is neither a Democrat nor a Republican so Congress easily overrides his vetoes. But when he scrutinizes the Constitution and other laws, he finds he can do a surprising number of things without Congress.

And he does, both domestically and in foreign affairs. In the process, almost everyone in the U.S. and around the world is alternately delighted and outraged by his various actions. But ultimately, neither the political class nor the special interests have done all they have done throughout their lives to have their status quo overturned by some fluke president who refuses to kow tow to them.

All hell breaks loose at home and abroad. Medlock, who has been a solitary writer since he got back from an Army tour Vietnam, suddenly has to supervise four million employees and ensure benefits get to tens of millions of vets, seniors, and others. It is—to say the least—an adjustment for both Medlock and the nation. And in foreign policy—well, let’s just say Medlock does not conduct wars the way the one he served in—Vietnam—was conducted. There’s a new sheriff in town, and the North Koreans, Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, Chinese, and Russians are very unhappy about that.

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