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Index for How to Spot Dishonest Arguments



4th Amendment  34

9/11  61, 7

12-needle biopsy  45

13, Prop  33

18 USC §1001  59

20/20 hindsight  65

25th Amendment  72

25-unit apartment complex  81

30-year  70, 4

60 Minutes  34

376 U.S. 254  92

509 U.S. 579 (1994)  62

1973  84

1979  84

1984  12

1988 Presidential campaign  74

2000 Florida Presidential election  52

2000 presidential debate  15

2008  91

2016 campaign  89

2016 election  40

2016 presidential candidates  14

[Daubert v. Dow Pharmaceuticals  62


AA  81

AAA bonds  81

abandon  78

abort  39

abortion  39

abortions  52, 8

absentee ballots  89

absurd  10, 1

Abu Ghraib  84

Academia  51

academic pretensions  58

academics  80

Academics  33

accelerating  96

accident  39

accidental  92

accounting  39

accuracy rate  87

acreage  71

actively managed  81

actively-managed  81

active mutual fund managers  88

actual case history  26

actual result  49

actual value  63

actuarial benefits  69

actuarial tables  49

Actuarial tables  83

actuaries  68

actuary  68

act white  40

ad  75

Adams, Scott  15

adequate  95

adequate bridge  97

ad hominem  26

ad hominem attack  35

adjusted for inflation  93, 4

adjusted-for-inflation  81

advanced common sense  95

advanced logic  95

advantages  29

advertisements  75

Advertising  92

advertising money  75

Aesop  28

aesthetics  95

affinity fraud  12

affordable health car  20

Afghanistan  35, 7

African-Americans  39

After which therefore because of which  25

age  32, 5

age difference  55

Age inappropriate bias  82

aircraft  96, 7

air force  78

air intake  66

Alaska  84

Alchemy of Finance  65

all burn down  69

allies  78

alliteration  10

All lives matter  15

All the President’s Men  79

almost right  87

already answere  36

aluminum  97

Alvarez  92

always been done that way  27

always rise in price  82

Alzheimers  72

amassed  39

Amazon  31, 6, 0

Amazon Prime  97

ambient  68

ambiguous modes of speaking and writing  37

ambulance-chaser lawyers  60

American football  56

American military  77

Amgen  58

Amity Schlaes  10

amnesties  73

Amos Tversky  80

amplitude of the price move  88

Analogies  10

Analyze  58

anatomy  93

anchor  82

Anchoring bias  83

and concrete  95

anecdotal evidence  26

Anecdotal evidence  25

anecdotal results  35

angering  73

angry  73, 4

Annuities in kind  83

annuity  83

annuity companies  83

antibiotic  55

anti-deficiency judgment laws  70

anti-intellectualism  24

anti-real estate laws  85

anti-Semitic  73

anti-Trump media  76

anti-trust  14

anti-trust law  13

anti-vaccine  21

anti-vaxx  6, 4

antiwar  39

apartment buildings  84

Apollo 11  28

appeal  73

appeal to authority  35

appeal to fear  35

appeal to tradition  27

Apple  31, 6, 0, 0, 1

appraising  84

appreciation rate  53

AR  71

arbitrary rule  58

architecture  95

argue with results  21

argumentanm ad logicam  19

Argument from intimidation  14

argument to absurdity  10

argument to moderation  27

argument to the purse  32

argumentum ad absurdum  10

Argumentum ad antiquitatem  27

Argumentum ad crumenam  32

argumentum ad hominem  26

Argumentum ad miserecordiam  33

argumentum ad naturam  35

Argumentum ad nauseam  23

Argumentum ad numerum  18

Argumentum ad populum  18

argumentum ad temperantiam  27

argumentum ad verecundiam  35

argumentum in terrorem  35

Argumentum verbosium  33

Ariely, Daniel  80

Arizona  95

Army  56, 4, 3

Army tanks  96

Arnold, Benedict  16

Article I  92

Article II  72

Arugmentum ad novitatem  32

Asia  20

Asian-American neighborhood  48

Asimov, Isaac  24

asked and answered  36

aspersions  40

aspirin  55

assassination  34

assault  14

Associated Press  52

association  24

assumed to be incorrect until proven  54

assumes facts not in evidence  33

assume the worst case  88

assuming  66

Assuming facts not in evidence  29

Assumption  96

assumptions  53

Assumptions  66

astronauts  97

athletic  17

Atkisson, Sharyl  22

atmospheric scientist  61

Atomic and nuclear physics  95

at risk  82

attacks  80

Attkisson, Sheryl  79

Attorney General  79

attracting attention  59

atypical  26

auction  84

auction bidders  84

Auctioneers  36

auction fever  84

auditor  51

Australia  56

Australian  55

authenticate  19

autism  66

Automotive engineering  95

automotive engineers  97

autopsies  46

autopsy  46, 5, 89

average  43, 4

average past weather conditions  88

average value payoff  48

averse to losses  82

Avoidance  70

avoiding the risk  68

avoiding transactions  81

Avoid loss  90

avoid the risk  71

awkward  16

AZ  70


background  7, 

background checks  24

back-pack trip  88

bacteria  62

bacterium-caused ulcer  55

badgering  19

Badgering  23

bad lending  86

bad luck  48, 5, 3

bafflegab  33

Bafflegab  33

Baier, Brett  76

Bain Capital  18

balloon payment  70

ban ad hominem attacks  26

band-wagon effect  44

bank account  41

bank examiner  81

bank failure  81

bankrupt  70, 1

bankruptcy  43, 1

bankruptcy exemption  71

bankruptcy-exemption planning  71

Bankruptcy exemptions  71

Bannon, Steve  41

Barnes and Noble  31

Barr  12

BART commuter trains  34

baseball  33, 4, 0

basic engineering  95

basic nature of stock  82

basketball  44

Battle of Gettysburg  64

Bayes Theorem  44, 45, 6, 7

bearish  88

Beck, Glenn  22

beer  97

begging the question  29

behavior  47

behavioral economics  80, 2

behavioral economics biases  3, 1

behavioral economist  80

behavioral finance  80

behavioral finance bias  65

Belief In The Law of Small Numbers  25

bell curv  86

bell curve  86

bell-shaped curve  44

bench warmer  50

benefit of any doubt  12

Benford, Frank  51

Benford’s curve  51

Benford’s Curve  51

benfords-law  51

Benford’s Law  51

Bennett, Bo  3

Benson, Guy  22

Bernstein, Carl  79

best-liar contest  72, 9

Best of Enemies  13

best practice  28

best practices  60, 8

Best Practices for the Intelligent Real Estate Investor  68

Better Explained  46

better safe than sorry  82

Better safe than sorry  64

beyond a reasonable doubt  16

bias  7, , 8, 0, 2, 3

biased  78

Biased assimilation  84

Biased sample  42

bicycles  61

Biden  15

Biden, Hunter  74

Biden, Joe  73

bifurcation  29

big  66

big corporations  61

big government intervention  61

Big Lie  16

big mo  43

Bill Clinton  74

Bill Gates  69

biopsies  46

biopsy  46

bird watching  93

birth certificate  19

birth-control pill  52, 58

birth order  54

bitch  39

Bitcoin  31, 0

bivariate  25

bizarre  16

black-and-white thinking  29

Blackberry  90

Black Lives Matter  14

black ops  39

blacks  54, 3

blame  83

Blame everything bad on my opponent  72

blaming  78

blank check  72

Blondlot, Prosper-Rene  59

blow the whistle  34

blueprints  95

board-certified specialists  63

board meeting  14

Bob Cratchit  32

body  56

body language  3

body mass index  27

body shop  69

Boeing  31

bogeyman  11

bombers  43

bonds  81, 2

book authors  79

book deal  34

bookies  87

books  87

borrow  82

borrowing  70

Boston  48

Boston Globe  48

Boston Marathon bomber  11

both sides  21, 26, 9

both” sides  78

Both sides  84

both” sides of the story  78

Both sides of the story  21

Both’ sides of the story  78

box cars  66

boycotts  76

Boy Scouts  40

brainwashing  23

brakes  96

brandish  39

bravado  83

bravery medals  92

break even  90

break-throughs  58, 9

breakthroughs  59, 0

breast cancer  46

Breitbart  23, 79

Brexit  87

bribery  72

bridge  95

Brinkley  76

British  32

British Intelligence  18

British spy  77

broken part  97

broker risk  70

Brother Love’s Traveling Salvation Show  36

Browne  52

Bruce, Tammy  22

Buchanan  52

Buckley, William F.  13

budget  27

building  95

built bridges  95

Bullet hole  43

bull market  88

bully  39, 3

bureaucracy  33

bureaucrat  35

Bureau of Vital Statistics  19

burn down  68

Bush  22, 2, 7

Bush, George H.W.  43, 7

Bush, President George H. W.  6

business management  95

business opportunity  43

butterfly  60

butterfly effect  60

Butterfly Effect  18

buying high  82

buying votes  39

Buying when prices are rising  82


CA  53, 0

cable channels  75

cadence  10

Cadet Prayer  40

cads  6

CAFE standards  97

Calculus  95

Caldeira, Ken  61

Caldeira, Kenneth  61

calm times  82

Cal Tech  80

Camaro  82

Cambodia  24

Camden  95

cancer  45, 2

cancers  62, 63

can’t argue with results  64

CA pension bankruptcy exemption  71

capital gains tax  47

capital gains taxes  42

Capitol  79

car  68

carbon deposits  66

carbon dioxide  24, 7

carbon-dioxide  61

career  58

career day  43

car engine  95

car insurance  69

Carlson, Tucker  15, 93

Carnegie Institution for Science  62

carnivorous  40

cars  61, 7, 7

case history  66

cash annuities  83

cash flow  53

Cash WinFall  48

casino  47

casinos  47, 9, 7

casualties  56

casualty  69

casualty damage  69

casualty loss  69

Catch-22  8

catechism  21

Catholicism  31

Caucasian  41

causation  24, 5, 4, 9

cause  34, 3, 5, 6, 7

cause and effect  24, 3

cave-man days  80

cell phone  24

censor  21

Centers for Disease Control  63

cerebral palsy  62

Certificate in Marriage  17

Certified Commercial Investment Members of the Realtors  53

cervix  52

chain is only as strong as its weakest link  53

change  39, 2

change their mind  89

changing the rules during the study  59

changing the subject  30, 31

Changing the subject  7

chaos  10

chaos theory  60

Chaos theory  87

Chappaquidick  28

character witness  13

charities  40

charity  39

Charlottesville  39

charts  93

Chauvinists  39

cheap  95

cheat  29

Chemistry  95

Cheney  22

Cherry Picking  13

Chicken Little  72

Chief Technology Officer  61

Child Counseling  17

childlike voice  37

children  82

chimpanzees  88

China  55, 6, 4

Chinese government statistics  55

Choakumchild  16

choice  12, 9

Christie, Chris  24

Christmas Carol  32

Christmas lights  97

Christopher Steele  18

Church of Nice  31

cigarette smoking  76

circular  18

circular citing of peer-group approval  18

citations  19, 3

city blocks  93

civil engineering  95, 6

Civil War  65

Clause 1  92

clean-burning fuel  61

cleanliness of laboratories  17

clear and present danger  92

cliché  10

Click bait  79

climate  40, 7, 8

Climate  87

climate change  17, 5

Climate change  60

climate change denier  14

climate model  60

climate-model error  60

climate range  88

climate science  60

Climate science  60

clinician  63

clot  52

clouds  61

cloud services  90

clout  69

clumsy  16

coal fired  66

co-conspirator  19

co-conspirators  34

code  37, 4

code of ethics  2

codes of ethics  26

cognitive dissonance  29

Cohen, Peter  95

coincidence  25, 4, 4, 59

coin flip  87

coin-flipping tournament  44

coin tossers  87

Coke  76

collecting data  58

college  82

college campuses  22

college graduates  89, 5

collision  39, 40

colluded  13

collusion  14, 6, 0, 6

Collusion  13

color of law  39

Columbia  20, 5

combat  83

Comey  15

Comey, James  16

command  83

Committee on the Safety of Medicines  52

common law  40

common sense  53

communist  56

Communist  20, 3

Communist Chinese  80

commutations  73

compassion  39

complex  18

compromise  27

computer  95

computer engineering  95

computer game  97

computerized  97

computer model  17, 0, 0, 7

computer models  60, 7

Computer programing  95

computer science  95

computer writing software  41

concerns  15

Concierge service  69

conclusions  28, 8, 2, 3

Conclusions  14

conclusory  16, 8, 27

conclusory statement  15

Conclusory statement  28

Concorde  32

condemned  40

condescending  31, 0, 1

confidence  16, 7

confirmation bias  25, 4

Confirmation bias  58, 9

confiscation of guns  24

conflict of interest  62

conflict-of-interest  8

conflicts  8

conformity  39

Congress  92

con men  6

Con men  36

connections  15

consensus  17, 2

Consensus  60

consensus of the pertinent scientific community  63

conservative  22, 9

conspiracies against the laity  26, 5

conspiracy  21, 7

conspiracy of silence  27

Conspiracy theory  34

Constitution  21, 7, 2

Constitutional crisis  16

construction cost  97

consultants  65

consume  82

Consumer Price Index  93

consumers  8

contacts  15

contempt  20

content  76

contingent  87

continuation of the pregnancy  52

contract  40

contractual cash flows  53

contrails  61

controversial  40

conventional  70

conventional wisdom  68

Conventional wisdom  56

Converting past tense to present  30

cooperation  40

corporate advertisers  76

Corporate Average Fuel Economy  97

corporation  12

correlated  54

correlation  24, 5, 9

Correlation  34

Correlation does not mean causality  57

corrupted by political necessity  67

Corvette  82

cost  64, 7

cost-effective  71

counter-arguments  19

counter-evidence  19

counterparty  70

court decisions  75, 7

court room  6, 18, 2, 3

courtroom  62

cover-up  34

covid 19  37

Cox  15

crash  40

crashworthy  97

creative  39

creative accounting  39

creative finance  39

credibility  36

credit  78, 9

credit to me  72

crime  55

Crimes Against Logic  22

criminal court  54

criminology  3

crisis  39, 2, 8

criticism  27, 7

criticized  40

Cronkhite  76

crop  70

crossing the street  68

crosswalk  68

Cruz, Ted  29

crypto currencies  31, 3

crystal ball  67, 86

C-section  62, 3

cults  6

cum hoc ergo propter hoc  25

cumulative  37

currency  83

customers  76

cut  39

cut your losses  21

cylinders  97

cynicism  34


daily reports  56

Dalbar study  81

Dallas  81

damaged  69

dark  40

dark clothing  68

darts  88

Darwin  80

data  58, 4

date  88

day report  56

day-to-day management  68

DC  71, 79

D-Day invasions  74

dead  67

deadlined  56

death certificate  56

death penalty  84

debate is over  21, 2

debate team  2

Debt risk  70

decades to “fix  61

decamillionaire  82

decelerating  96

decision diary  65

decision nodes  65

decision tree  65

Decision tree  65

decision trees  82

Decision trees  82

declared legally dead  56

deeds  63

deep pockets  69

default  53, 0

defaults rate  86

defeasible  35

defective attitude  56

defendant  63

defense  39, 0, 4

defense lawyer  54

defensive esotericism  38

deficit spending  67

Define a question  58

definite  69

deflection  7

delaying tactic  34

deliberate obscurity  37

demagoguing  24

demented  72, 3

Democrat  22, 39

Democrat party  34

Democrats  55

Democrats socialists  32

denier  40

Denniston system  49

denying a conjunct  29

Department of Global Ecology  62

deplorable effects  86

deposit insurance  49

deposition  20, 3

Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act  84

depressions  49

Derision  21

Dershowitz, Alan  24

design  95

detectable  52

devotion  65

Diamond, Neil  36

Dickens, Charles  16, 61

Dickensian  32

dictator  73

Dictatorships  56

dictionary  23


die  83

died in vain  64, 5

diesel  84

difficult  97

Dilbert  15, 3

disadvantaged  39

disadvantages  29

disagree  28

disagreement  40

disappeared  56

disappearing baseline  93

disappointing  40

disarmament  39

disaster  73

Disaster avoidance  68

discarded stocks  42

discount rate  53

discrimination  54, 5

disease  63

disguise  56

disloyal  15

disloyalty  38

dismal science  86

dismissal  18

disparate impact  54

Disparate impact  53

disposition effect  82

disprove  59

dissenting conclusions  63

dissenting individual self-proclaimed expert  63

dissident intellectuals  37

distinctive  66

Distinguished Service Cross  7

distractions  74

Distressed Real Estate Times  81

diversification  80, 1

diversified  81

dividend  90

dividing  40

divorce  43

divorced  71

DNA  54

doctor  62

doctors  55

Doctors  63

doctors in London  83

dog  45

dog poop  93

dog whistle  40

doing something  10

domino argument  24

dominoes  60

Donald Trump  18

don’t get it  21

don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good  62

Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good  64


dossier  39, 0, 7

Dossier  18

double-or-nothing  50

Douglas Aircraft Company  65

Dow  88

Dow-Jones  42

drafting tables  95

drawings  93

draws comparisons to  15

drill sergeants  36

droughts  87

drowning man grasping at straws  9

drug addict  71

drug companies  73

drunken walking  68

dubious loans  55

Dukakis, Mike  74

Duke, Annie  64

dumping  40

duplex  82

durability  97

durable  97

Duress  11

during construction  96

DVDs  75

dynamic loads  96

dysphemism  37

dysphemisms  39, 1

Dysphemisms  39


early onset Alzheimer’s  73

earnings  90

earthquake insurance  49

earthquakes  87, 6

Eastern Hemisphere  39

Eastwood, Clint  83

ebooks  31

Ebooks  31

economic expansion  55

economic forecasters  87

economics  33

Economics  80

economists  86, 8

Economists  86

education  54, 5

Edwards, John  62

Effort  35

E for effort  35

eggs  58, 9

Einstein  20

either–or fallacy  29

ejection criteria  81

Ejection criteria  84

elbow poke  37

elected official  39

election  89

election day  89

election month  89

election pollsters  86

elections  87

electoral vote  53

electoral votes  72

electorate  89

electrical engineering  95

Electrical science  95

electricity  61

electric motor  59

elephant  98

elitist  73

Ellenberg, Jordan  11, 2, 4, 8, 2, 4

emergency articles  85

emissions  61

emotional  22

emotions  32

Empire State Building  97

employ  40

employee  40

employers  54, 5, 3

employment  54

empty high rise apartments  55

empty high rises  56

encryption  12

end justifies dishonest means  11

End of Discussion  22

endowment bias  80

enemies  78

energy  55

energy efficiency  61

engineer  62, 95

engineering  3, 5, 6, 7

Engineering  17

engineering disasters  75

engineering discipline  95

Engineering mechanics  95

engineering mistake  97

enough  83

Enron  21

entire net worth  69

entitlements  55

environment  61

environmentalists  62

envy  12

equality  39

equity  70, 1, 1, 3, 4, 4

Equity premium effect  82

equivocation  11

err on the side of rain or snow  88

error rate  46, 2, 3

esoterically  37

esoteric writing  37

essential elements  40

estate  71

estate tax  14

ethical canon  40

ethics  75

ethnic group  12

EU  87

euphemism  73

euphemisms  41

Euphemisms  39

European Union  40

event nodes  65

evolution  80

evolving  80

exaggerated  20

exaggeration in claims  56

exaggerations  92

Excel Spreadsheet’s LEFT and COUNTIF functions  51

exceptions to the hearsay rule  18, 9

excess  39

excessive asking price  53

excessive bleeding  52

excessively precise  53

Excess precision  52

exchange  81

exchange risk  68, 0

Excited utterances  19

excitement  48

exciting  18

excluded  49

exclude function  41

exculpatory  12

excuses  77, 7

executed  98

execution  38

expectation of privacy  12

expected value  21, 25, 8, 9, 3, 4, 2

expected value)  65

expensive  97

experiment  58

expert  17, 3, 5, 4, 2, 3, 9

expert community  63

expertise  69

Expertise  84

experts  62, 8, 7, 88

expert witness  8

expert witnesses  63

exploit  40

exports  56

extinct  39

extreme  40

extremist  40, 3

eye color  54


Fabian socialist  39

Facebook’s  47

Facebook wall  6

fact checkers  3

fact finding  79

factory  66

facts  78, 9

facts-and-logic-free zone  21

fact witness  8

fads  44, 87

failed seductions  14

failing to forecast future prices  90

failures  83

failure to perform a C-section  62

fairness  76

fair use  13

fake news  2, 0

fallacy of exhaustive hypotheses  29

fallacy of false choice  29

fallacy of the excluded middle  29

fallacy of the false alternative  29

Fallacy of (the) Undistributed Middle  3

False analogy  30

false binary  29

False choice  29

false claim  92

False Claims Act  34, 2

false compromise  27

false dichotomy  29

false dilemma  29

false document  29

false negative  45

false positive  46

False positive  45

false test result  46

fame  11

Fame  34

family  71

Family  17

fantasies  11

fares  48

farmer  70

farmers  70

fascist  73

Fast-talking salesman  36

Faulty Analogy  10

FBI  18, 0, 7

FDIC  81

fear  14

fears  11

federal agencies  92

Federal Communication Commission  75

federal government employee  55

federal income tax  14

Federal Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Court  18

federal intermediate credit bank  92

Federal land bank  92

Federal Reserve  81, 0

Federal Rule of Evidence 403  32

Federal Rules of Evidence  2, 8, 6, 9, 2

Federal Trade Commission  8

feel richer  83

females  54

fewer children  80

fewer humans  61

Few Good Men  86, 8

Feynman, Richard  3

FHA  70, 3, 2

fidelity risk  68

field sanitation  80

fig leaf  37

filter  66

financial calculator  53

financially measurable  69

financial success  40

fire  61, 9

fire people  13

fires  96

First Amendment  28, 2

First-born  54

first-born children  54

first house  82

FISA  77

FISA Court  18

fiscal policy  39

five-day forecast  88

five W’s  66

fixed interest rate  94

fixed-interest-rate  70

fixed-rate mortgage  94

FL  71

flashing lights  97

Flat-bed trucks  96

flattening the curve  37

fleet of manufactured vehicles  97

flip a coin  44, 6

flipping a coin  54

flood insurance  49

Florida  52

Fluid mechanics  95

followed my advice  87

Follow the money  75

football  33, 5

Football Clock Management  65, 7

football coaches  82

Football point spreads  87

football teams  82

football writer  87

Ford  72, 3

Ford, Christine Blasey  37

Ford, Gerald  72

forecast  86

foreclose  70

foreclosure  70

forest  63

Forgotten Man  10

fossil fuels  61

foul-line  44

foul shots  44

Foundation for Critical Thinkin  98

founders  72

Founding Fathers  53

fourth down  9

Fox News  15, 2, 9, 7, 39, 6, 3

Fox News’  15

fracking  61

Franklin Roosevelt  10

fraud  56, 2

Frazier v. Cupp  92

FRE  63

FRE 404(a)(1)  13

Freakonomics  87

free and clear  94

free-and-clear  69, 3

FreedomFest  89

freedom of speech  92

free lunch  97

free mpg improvements  97

free publicity  77

free shipping  97

free will  36

freezing weather  96

French  32

frequency char  51

FRE Rule 403  36

Freudian slip  47

frugal  82

Frye  62

Frye standard  62

Frye v. United States U.S. District Court (293 F. 1013) decision  62

fundamentals  43, 7, 81

fund managers  83

future cash flows  53

future military actions  12

future payments  53

futures market  70


gains  82

gain some benefit  92

gains taxes  42

Galileo’s Revenge  60, 62

Gallileo  60

Gallileo’s Revenge  60

gamble  48

gamblers  47

gambling  48

Garbage in  53

garbage in garbage out  60

garbage in means garbage out  82

garbage out  53

Garn–St. Germain Depository Institutions Act of 1982  84

Gas  84

gas lines  84

gasoline tax  73

gastroenterology  62

Gather information  58

GDP  47

GE  42

gender  55

gender discrimination  54

general acceptance  62

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles  39

General Mills  70

George Orwell  12

Germans  74

get-out-the-vote effort  73

Gettysburg Address  64

GIGO  82

gilovich  44

global warming  21

Global warming  17

GM  76

goalie  56

go-for-2  65

go for a first down far more often  9

go for one  65

gold  81

Golden Gate Bridge  96

golden mean fallacy  27

Goldilocks  47

good looks  17

good luck  65, 3

good money after bad  21

Google  90, 1

Google Analytics  3

Gore  52

Gore, Al  15, 1

Gospel According to Harvard Business School  95

gouging  40

government  39

Government Accountability Institute  79

government agency  40

government spending  55

government statistician  55

graduate student  78

Graham  81

Graham, Benjamin  43, 1, 9

Grand Canyon  88

grandchildren  82

grand jury  12

grants  58

graphics  3

Graphs  93

gravitas  78

gravity  96

gray” area  29

gray fallacy  27

Great Depression  10, 81

greater fool theory  90, 1

greed  40

greedy  82

greedy” corporations  61

green  20

green movement  20

Greenspan, Alan  90

grenade  87

group affiliated  12

groupthink  59

growth  55

guess  56

guilt  14

guilt by association  15

guilty  62


Hackworth, David  7

Hagelin  52

halo effect  32

Halo effect  17

Ham, Mary Catherine  22

Hamming Code  49

hand  64

Hanes Underwear  60

Hannity, Sean  23, 9

happy break-through  59

happy medium  47

hard-core  40

HARKing  58

Harley-Davidson  40

Harris  52

Harris, James  53

Harvard Business School  48, 1, 3, 76, 5

Harvard MBA  81

Harvard University  74

harvest time  70

hater of America  73

Hauser’s Law  47

Hawaii  14

Hayek, Friedrich  67, 6

Head Start  35

health  82

health care  73

health care fraud  92

health information  12

health insurance  15

Hearsay  18

heart attacks  59

heavy-water reactor  61

hedge  71

hedgeable  70

hedging  68, 0

Hedging  70

hegemony  11

heights  44, 6

heirs  14

Helicobacter pylori  55

hematology  58

herd  43

herd instinct  44, 0, 82

heroes  58

hero status  34

hidden teaching  37

high crimes or misdemeanors  16, 2

higher price  97

highest bidder  40

high-probability  68

high school graduates  95

high-tech  33

Highway to Hell  96

hijacking  77

Hillary  15, 3, 6

Hill, Marc Lamont  36

Hitchcock, Alfred  25

Hitler  12, 5, 3

Hitler’  16

hitting is contagious  44

Holding  80

hold is to buy  81

Holmes, Sherlock  49

Holocaust  40

Home Equity Conversion Mortgage  70, 83

homeless  51, 3

home mortgage  70

Homeowners  69

homeowners insurance  68

home prices  86

homestead  71

homestead exemption  71

honor code  29

Honor Code  56

honored dead  65

horseshoe  87

Horton, Willie  74

hospitals  73

hot hand  44

hot political issue  55

hot streak  44

House  72, 2

house fires  69

Households  55

house” take  47

housing  20, 4

Howard Hughes  36

how much  75

how much time  75

How Not to be Wrong  48

How Not to Be Wrong  11, 4

How Not To Be Wrong  44

How Not to Be  Wrong: The Power of Mathematical Thinking  42

how to measur  56

How to Not Be Wrong  52

How to Protect Your life Savings From Hyperinflation & Depression  71

How to Protect Your Life Savings From Hyperinflation & Depression  83

how you did it  31

Hubble Telescope lens  97

Huber  63

Huber, Peter  60, 2

human  80

human feces  93

human performance events  44

humans  56

human tribes  80

Hume, Britt  76

hump  96

Huntley  76

hurricanes  87, 6

hype  77

hyped false alarms  77

hyperbole  20

hyperbole = dishonesty  20

Hyperbolic name calling  73

hyperinflation  83

hypnotize  36

Hypocrisy  27

hypocrite  40

hypothesis  58, 9, 3


IA  71

I beams  96

iBooks  31

ice  96

identity group  54

ideologue  73

idiot  73

If you like your doctor  79

If you like your plan  79

ignorance  14, 24, 8

Ignorance is not an opinion  23

ignore all risks  68

ill-defined  23

ill-defined words  19

Ill-defined words  18

illegality  40

Illegitimate election  73

illness  43

illogical  40, 82

illusion  74

IMF analyst  87

immigration  41, 5

immoral  40

immorality  40

immune to criticism  28

impeach  16

impeach a witness  26

impeachment  72, 73, 8

Impeachment  72

impeachment conviction  73

impeach the witness  28

impersonating a federal agent  92

implication  17

impolite  31

impress rather than express  3

inaccurate  40

Inc.  80, 90

Incentives  56

income  54, 0

income inequality  55

Income properties  84

income tax  43, 1

income-tax amendment  15

income-tax term  80

incompetent  19

inconsistent  27

inconsistent answer  36

inconsistent with a prior statement  28

incorporating  14

incorrect diagnosis  66

increase in its value  83

incremental enjoyment  51

incumbent  55

incumbents  55

incurable  54

In Defense of Troublemakers  59

independent special counsel  15

index  81, 8

index fund  42

index funds  81, 88

indirect  17

individual expert  62

individual investors  81

individuals  55

Indonesia  24

inequality  55

infection of the womb  52

inflation  55, 3, 4

inflation rate  83

informal fallacy  27

inheritance  82

inheritance tax  71

Inherited wealth  14

initial conditions  87

injury  63

In-kind annuities  83

innocent  62

innovations  87

innovative  18

innuendo  9, 4, 5, 6, 7

Innuendo  15, 6

innuendos  18

insecurity  30  30

insider trading  21

insinuate  9, 18, 0

insinuating  39

insinuation  7, 4, 5, 0, 1

Insinuation  17

Inspector 12  60

in step  96

instincts  80

insurable  49, 69, 0

insurable financial risks  69

insurable risk  69

insurance  56, 8, 9, 83

insurance policies  49

insurance premium  68

insure  71

Integral and differential equations  95

intellectual investigations  38

intellectuals  37

Intellectuals and Society  18, 9

Intellectual Ventures  61

intelligence sources  92

Intelligent Investor  81

intentions  35

interest  70

Interest compounds  82

interest only  70

interest rate  86

interest rates  83

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2014 Report  61

Internal Revenue Code Section 162(a)  14

international trade  40

interrogation  92

interval changes  93

intimidating  22

intrinsic value  81

intuitive (and Short) Explanation of Bayes Theorem  44

Invalid analogy  10

invest  82

investigations  12

investigative  79

investigative journalism  79

investigative journalist  79

investment  12, 9

investment policy  81

investment returns  81

invisible hand  61

Ioannidis, Dr. John  58

IPCC  61

IPCC 2014 Report  61

IPO  47

ipso facto  54

IQ  54

IRA fighters  76

Iran  51, 8

Iran-Contra  7

Iran nuclear weapons  29

Iraq  77, 8

IRC §162(a)(2)  14

Iron Curtain  38

irony  20

irrational  53, 7, 0, 2

irrational despair  43, 2

irrational exuberance  43, 2, 0

irrationality  43

Irregular data points  93

irrelevant  27, 2, 33, 7, 4, 5

Irrelevant  27, 1

IRS  34

Irving, Clifford  18, 6

ISIS  73, 8

Islam  39

Israeli  29

Issikoff, Michael  18

Italy  45

iterations  49

Ivory Tower  9


Jackson, Jesse  10, 14

jail  54, 7

jamming  22, 3, 6

Japanese-American  55

Japanese-Americans  55

jargon  33

Jarvi, Howard  33

jaywalking  68

Jenkins, Holman  37

Jessup, Colonel  86, 8

Jews  12

JFK  34

Joe Biden  15

John F. Kennedy  34

Johnson, Lyndon B.  32

joke  76

Jong-un, Kim  20

journal  63

journalism  75

journalist  66, 2, 8

Journalist  66, 5

Jr.  13, 37

judge  6, 2

judge decisions by what the decider knew at the time  64

judges  54

judicial notice  23

judiciary  62

junk mathematician  63

junk quality  81

junk science  60, 1, 2

Junk science  21, 0

junk scientist  63

junk scientists  60

jury  6, 2, 63

jury nullification  73

jury trial  63

just one prediction  88

just say no  86


Kahnema  49

Kahneman  49, 0

Kahneman, Daniel  25, 0

Kavanaugh  37

Kavanaugh, Brett  77

Kennedy, Bobby  37

Kennedy, John F.  75

Kennedy, Teddy  28

Kentucky bourbon  40

Kepner, Charles  65

Kepner-Tregoe  65

Kepner-Tregoe method  66

Kerry, John  7

key document  79

Keynes, John Maynard  47, 7, 9

Khaldun, Ibn  47

killed  83

killed crossing the street  68

Killing Fields  24

Kindle  31

Kiyosaki, Robert  14

Klansman  73

knots  97

know are unknowable  88

knowing what you do not know  84

Kopechne, Mary Jo  28

KS  71

Kurtz  76

Kurtz, Howard  76

Kuwait  78

Kyoto Protocol  61


laboratory  62

labor law  54

lack of skill  83

Laffer, Art  47

Laffer Curve  47

Landlording  31

landlords  54, 8

land-use regulation  55

language of science  86

Laos  24

Large Number  48

large number of times  63

large organizations  83

Large samples  27

Las Vegas  87

late deciders  89

later-born siblings  54

Latin  33, 5, 9, 4

Latinos  39

lavish or extravagant  14

law  75

law and order  74

law enforcement  39

law-enforcement  92

law of gravity  27

Law of Large numbers  50, 3

Law of Large Numbers  25, 5, 8, 9, 1, 63

Law of Small Numbers  25, 9, 0

laws  75

Lawyering  24

lawyers  33, 2, 9

lazy  78

leasing  68

left  22

Left  16

Leftists  12

legal checkers  3

legal defense expenses  30

legal research  79

LENGTH of your rebuttal  37

leverage  83, 4

leveraging  82

Levitt, Steven  56, 7

Lexus  50

Liability  69

liability risk magnets  69

liar  73

liars  79

libel  27, 8, 2

liberal  39

liberal democracies  38

liberals  22, 1, 62

Liberals  54, 1

Libertarian  22

licensed  95

lie  29, 56, 6, 9, 2

lied  86

Lie Factor  93

Lies  73

life  39

Life  12

Life estates  83

life insurance  56

life -insurance company  56

life insurance policies  50

life story  77

lighter  97

lightning  59

light-water reactor  61

likability  11

likely” voters  89

limitations  83

Lincoln  64

linear regression  82

line of credit  70

Linker, David  37

Lippman, Walter  9

liquid assets  69

liquidity  43

listed first on the ballot  89

literacy test  73

literally  76  16

litigation  68

litigator  79

Little Book of Behavioral Investing  81, 9

live above the common level of life  40

living wage  20

load  96

loan policy  81

lock in an acceptable price or rate  70

locomotive  66

logarithm table  51

logic  75

logical  66, 7, 0

Logical Fallacies  3

logic fallacy  64

logic-fallacy checker  3

long-lived  97

long run  67

long-term average  81

long-term lease contract  53

long-term record  87

look both ways before crossing  68

Lorenz, Edward  60

losing a lawsuit  69

loss averse  82

Loss-aversion bias  82

losses  82

lotteries  47, 9

lottery  48, 4

lottery gambling  47

lottery ticket  21

louder  36

Loungani, Prakash  87

lousy credit borrower  86

lowest common denominator  75

low probability  69

Low probability  68

loyalty oath  15

lucky  83, 0

lump sum  83

lunatic  73

lying  47, 8, 2

lying on its side  96

lying to a federal agent  92

lying to a federal land bank  92

lying to HUD  92


MA  74

Machiavelli  11

machine  40, 5

macro economy  87

Madhouse Media  31

Mafia  30

magic black box  95

magician  74

Magnum Force  83

mail fraud  92

mainstream  39

maintenance  78

maintenance cost  97

major  95

make a mountain out of an opponent’s molehill  18

make-out session  14

Making molehills  72

Making mountains  72

Malaysia  24

males  54

malfunction  65, 66

MA lottery  48

malpractice  47

mammogram  46

managed fund  88

manage risk  70, 6

man bites dog stories  78

man-caused  43

Manchurian Candidate  73

manifesto  77

man-made  86

man-made mortgages  86

manual, style  2

Mao  73

map  93

marching soldiers  96

marginal utility  51

margin calls  70

margin of error  53, 9

margin of victory  53

market capitalization  90

market price  70

market prices  90

market share  90

market timing  67, 0

market value  81

Marks, Howard  71

mark to market  80

married couple  55

Marshall, Barry  55

Marshall-Warren best practice  62

Marxist  73

Marxists  61

Maryland  47

Marytrdom of Man  49

Massachusetts lottery  48

mass bank failures  81

mass claims  50

Massive filing of claims  70

mass-market advertisers  76

mass-market corporations  75

mass murder  76

mass transit  47

mass-transit  47

Mass transit  48

Mastectomies  44

masters degree  96

material omission  12, 9

Math  17

mathematical formula  60

mathematician  48

mathematicians  63

math geniuses  48

Matthews, Chris  36

maverick junk science “expert  62

maximum vehicle weight  96

Mayo Clinic  63

MBA  95

McCain, John  18

McCarthy Era  15

McCarthy-era loyalty oath  14

McCarthy, Joe  16

McGovern  22

McReynolds  52

Medal of Honor  7

meddling  40

media  92

Media Buzz  76

Media Madness  76

median  47

Media sensationalism  58

medical diagnosis  19

medical experts  37

Medicare  74

Medlock, President “Mike  19

Meet the Press  41

Meltzer  37

Melzer  38

membership fee  97

methods  12, 2

metrics  91

Mexican-Americans  55

MI  89

MI6  18

Michigan  48

microscope  54

Microsoft  61, 9

Middle Eastern wars  78

middle ground  27

Milan  45

miles per gallon  97

military  80

military integrity  29

military readiness  55

military secrets  92

military troops  96

Milken, Michael  13

millionaire  21

mind changers  89

minorities  39

Minority Leader  72

Minow, Newton  75

misdiagnose  66

misogynist  73

misremember  65, 3

misrepresentation  92

missing-corner technique  30

missing emails  76

mitigating the risk  68

MMR vaccine  66

mob  10, 1, 2

mob psychology  10, 2

mock  20

Mockery  21

modal  39

mode  26

model error  18, 0

moderate Democrat  39

moderate Muslim  39

molehill  16, 72, 8

momentum  44

Momentum investing  82

monetize  40

Money-illusion bias  83

Monmouth Poll  89

Montier, James  81, 3, 9, 0

Moorehead  52

Moore, Roy  14

moral  40

moral basis  27

Moral equivalence  30

moralistic  40

moral justification for capitalism  61

moral self-doubt  14

more  83

more abortions  61

More data causes overconfidence  84

Mormon  74

Morningstar  42, 8

mortgage  53, 9, 3, 6

mortgage applications  39

mortgage lender  69

mortgage payment  83

mortgage payments  94

most important to know  84

Mother Jones  18

Motivation  11

motives  8, 6

Motives  9

Motley Fool  90

motorcycles  40

motor vehicle readiness report  56

mountain  72, 8

move  71

movie star  17

moving the goal posts  59

mpg  97

Mr. Market  43

Ms. magazine  76

Mueller, Robert  77

multimillionaire  64

multiple reliable sources  77

multiplier  70

Muslim  73

mutual funds  42

Muzzled  22

Myhrvold, Nathan  61

mystique  17


Nader  52

name calling  6, 9

National Apartment Association convention  33

National Association of Scholars  59, 0

National Football Lottery  87

National Health Service  52

National Merit Scholarship  54

national polls  89

national security  12

national security equipment  12

Native Americans  39

natural  43, 6

natural gas  61

Natural is always better than non-natural  35

natural resource  40, 6

naval architects  95

navy  95

Navy Cross  7

Nazi  73

Nazi Brown Shirt tactics  3

NBA  50, 4

NBC  41

negative expected value  21, 8

negative first four W’s  66

negative studies  59

Negative test result  46

negligence  64

Nemeth, Charlan  59

Netanyahu  28

net effect  29, 3

Netherlands  90

net income  53, 8, 86

net present value  53

net worth  25, 0, 1, 0, 2

never-say-always  35

never say never  35

Newcomb, Simon  51

New Deal  10

Newer is always better than old  31

New Rational Manager  65

newsletters  75

Newspeak  12

Newsweek  20

New Thought Police  22

Newton’s First Law of Motion  44

New York City  78

New-York-City  78

New York Shipbuilding Corporation  95

New York Times  93

NFL  54

NFL games  87

NFL pension  71

nice guy  13

niceties  31

Nixon  15, 9

Nixon Administration  73

NJ  71, 5

NOAA  88

Nobel Peace Prize  17

Nobel Prize  17, 5, 5, 0

nod  37

no deductible  69

no free lunch  97

noise  59

nomadic tribes  80

nominal rate  83

nominal value  94

non-accusation accusation  15

non-denial denial  7, 5

no net positive result  35

non-existent or irrelevant law  13

non-existent ‘rights’  20

non-judgmental  39

non-opinion statement  28

non-partisan  61

non-random  86

non-recourse  70

nonrecourse  70

Nonrecourse  70

nonrepresentative  89

non-socialist  62

nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug  55

Nook  31

normal distribution  44, 6

Normandy  74

North  7

North Korea  20

North, Oliver  7

no skill  88

not admissible  64

not believe in insurance  69

not debating  28

not happened yet  88

nothing burger  55

Nothing new  28

not material  92

NPR  22

NPV  53

N-rays  59

nuclear energy  61

nuclear power  61

nuclear weapons  61

null hypothesis  54

nullify elections  73

NV  71

N-word  23

NY  53

nylon-producing machinery  66

NY Times  20


Oaktree Capital  71

Oath  16

Obama  20, 4, 8, 9, 1, 3, 9

Obama Administration  73

Obama, Barack  17

obscure cases  79

obscure laws  79

obscurity  37

observe  58

obstinate  40

Occupy Movement  22

October surprises  37

Odysseus, Homer’s  82

offend  76

offending  76

office buildings  55

off-topi  31

off topic  7

OF USC  78

oil  84

oil glut  84

oil-producing states  84

OK  71

Oklahoma  84

Older are wiser than younger  32

older I get the better I was  83

older people  82

Olympic swimmers  54

oncology  58

one-action laws  70

one cause  65

one in twenty  59

one-in-twenty convention  58

on end  97

one-size fits all  39

one-world government  73

operating expenses  78

operative  40

opinion  8, 4, 3

opinions  92

opposition research report  18

oppressive government  37

oppressive regimes  38

optics  16

optimal  47

optimistic  53, 8

oral contraceptive  52

ordinary and necessary business” expense.  14

Ordnance engineering  95

O’Reilly, Bill  23

original  79

or steal  29

Orwellian  73

outlawyered  79

outlier  33

outmoded  18

out of context  13

out of control  40

Out-of-office  78

out-of-power accuser  73

out-of-power politician  72

overbuilding of apartment building  84

overconfidence  84

Overconfidence  83

overconfident  65, 8

overhead  69

overreacted  77

overreaction  77

oversimplification  39

overtime  54

over-valued credentials  12

Overvaluing  80

owner-occupied home  71, 4

owner-occupied home mortgage  70


PA  73, 9

Page, Carter  18

Palin  22

Palin, Sarah  15

panicking  81, 2

paranoia  34

pardon power  72

pardons  72

Paris Accord  61

Paris Accords  61

parody  15, 0

parole  74

partial structure  96

partisan  74

Partisans  73

party  96

Pas de Calais  74

passage of time  93

passive-loss limits  84

passport  19

past performance predicts future performance  88

patter  74

pattern  16

patterns  34

Patterson, Ransom  98

Paul Drake  79

pedantic  20

pedestrian  96

pedestrians  96

Peer approval  17

peer-approved journal  58

peer group  18

peer pressure  44

peer review  17

peer-reviewed journal  59, 63

peer-reviewed periodical  58, 2

Peggy Lee  77

Pelosi, Nancy  15

penalty kick  56

penetrating  89, 0

pension  71

Pensions  83

PE ratio  90

perfect be the enemy of the good  35

perfection  34

perfect storm  84, 5

periodical  79

periodicals  75, 79

perjury  7, 2

per number of plays  50

Perry Mason  79

perseverance  79

personal taste  16

person who” fallacy  26

pessimistic  53

Petitio principii  29

PEW Research Poll  73

p-hacking  59

pharmaceutical company  62

Ph.D.-holding economists  87

Phillips  52

philosophers  37

philosophical’ grounds  28

philosophies  28

philosophy  35

philosophy department  3

phone number  83

phony numbers  51

photographs  93

physical assaults  22

physical damage  69

physics  60

Physics  95

physiology  17

picture  93

picture is worth a thousand words  93

Pill kills  52

Pinnochios awards  79

Pinnochios of the Year award  79

Pinocchios  19

pitch  50

pity  32

placebos  26

Plain English  3, 3

plaintiff  54, 0, 9

planes  43, 7

plastic  97

playing time  50

play the game  56

Pluralizing the singular  29

point spreads  87

police  92, 3

polio vaccine  59

politeness  31

political agenda  61

Political correctness  21

politically incorrect  40

Political statistics  55

politician  73

politicians  37, 5, 0

Politicians  6, 0, 2, 4

Politico  13

politics  6

pollsters  89

Pollsters  53, 9

poll tax  73

pontoon bridge  95

poop  93

poor  32

popular vote  53

positive expected value  48

positive mammogram  46

Positive test results  46

Post hoc ergo propter hoc  25

poverty  32

POW  17

power  61, 7

powerful real estate lobby  85

power-keeping  6

power lines  59

power-seeking  6

Powers, Kirsten  22, 3

precipitation  88, 3

predator  40

predatory  40

predict  71

predictable  72

Predictably Irrational  80

predicting weather  60

prediction  87

predictions  88

pregnancy remaining in the womb  52

premature  58

prepare for the worst  71

preregister  59

prescription  97

preserve wealth  88

press bias  76

presumption of innocence  54

prey  40

price controls  55, 8

price-earnings ratio  66, 1, 0

prices that do not change over time  94

prig  40

Prince  11

principal  70

principal residence  71

principle of substitution  48

principles of insurance  49

prior under-oath testimony  19

prison  54

prisoner training  39

Pritchard, Steve]  30

privacy  11, 4

private investigator  79

private lender  69

privately owned  73

private person lender  70

privilege  12

pro-abortion  39

probabilities  65, 2

probability  54, 5, 68, 9, 6, 0

Probability and statistics  95

probable cause  15, 6, 8, 34, 7

probable-cause affidavit  24

process  95

professional services  75

professions  26, 35

professor  9

profit  40, 9, 8

profiteering  40

profits  41

progressive  39

progressive deterioration  69

progressive income taxes  14

project into the future  82

projection  34

prophetic  89, 0

prospectus  88

prostate  46

prostate cancer  45, 46, 9

protest too much  34

Protest-too-much quantity of sources  19

protocols  59

proud people  39

prove a negative  16

Prudential  49

PSA test  45

psychiatric defect  76

psychological momentum  43

Psychological projection  34

psychology  58

public figure  92

public interest group  39

publicity stunt  76

publicly-traded corporation  40

public-policy consideration  64

publish  86

publishing  88

Puffery  92

pulmonary thrombosis  52

pumping sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere  61

punch cards  52

purchase-money  70

purchasing power  83


questions  15, 0

quota  54

quoting the forecasts  86


race  55

race hustlers  14

race relations  73

racial discrimination  54, 5

racism  54

racist  40, 4, 3

racist discrimination  54

radiation  45, 6

radical  38, 3

radical mastectomy  46

radical political agenda  62

radio  59, 5

Raid  10

railed  40

railroad  66

rail yard  66

rain  88

raise children  54

raised the specter  16

Randall, David  60

RAND Corporation  65

random  25, 4, 44, 1, 9, 9, 3, 6, 8

Random  43

random number generator  87

ranger  17

Ranger School  10

rape  14

rapid speech  23

rate at which to discount the future cash flows  53

rate of return  81

ratings  75, 9

rational economic men  80

Rational Manager  65, 66

raw  50

Reaction  76

reactionary  18

Reade, Winwood  49

reading “between the lines  37

Reagan  7, 2, 3

real estate gurus  56

real estate industry  84

Real Estate Investing Letter  81

real estate investment  33

real estate investments  81

real estate investment trusts  68

real estate investors  85

Real Estate Investor’s Monthly  78

real estate lobby  85

real estate purchasers  84

real interest rate  83

real interest rates  83

realize  80

real’ prices  93

real probabilities  46

real value  94

real” value  94

reasons for decision  65

recession  84

recessions  49, 7

reckless disregard  92

recluse  36

Recognition  76

red  20

Redefining words  12

redistribution of income  14, 9

red neck  54

reductio ad absurdum  10, 1, 4

re-elected  55

refinance  70

reform  39

refresh recollection  19

refund  75

refusal to compromise  27

refusal to debate  21

refuse to lie  56

refutation by association  22

registration of guns  24

Regression to the mean  82

regression toward the fundamentals  43

regression toward the mean  43, 8

regression toward the mob  43

regret  70, 0

regulation of business  55

regulations  60, 1

rehabilitation  39

Reid, Harry  18, 6

REITs  68

Rejecting facts or logic as opinion  14

relevant  66

reliable sources  56

religion  6, 2, 0

remissions of fines  73

renewable energy  61

renounce  14

renounced his U.S. citizenship  47

rent  83

rent control  78

repairs  83

repairs service  69

repetition  10

repetitive  36

report  40

reprieves  72

reproduce  59

reproduced  60

reproducibility  58, 9

Reproducibility  58

reproducible  58

Republican  15, 2, 5

Research in Motion  90

research studies  63

‘Reservoir’ protection  70

residential property  69

restaurant review  28

results  21, 65

Results  64

résumé  7, 

retest  58

Retest  58

retirees  47

retirement  82

retrospectoscope  65

return on equity  83

returns on the equity  43

Revenge  34, 6

reverse-annuity mortgage  70

reverse engineered  90

Review of Finance  42

revival ministers  36

revolutions  87

reward  23

rewards  34

Rhetorical question  23

rhetorical tricks  10

rhetoric of concealment  37

Rhodes Scholarship  17

rhyme  10

rhyming  10

rich  32

Rich Dad Poor Dad  10, 4

rich people  69

Rich people are smarter  32

ridicule  21

right  20

right-to-work  22

riots  50, 4, 7

risk in everything  68

risk management  3

risk-management  68

Risk management  68

risk-management technique  71

risk managers  86

risk preference  51

risks  68

road bed  96

Robert, Henry Martyn  2

Robert’s Rules of Order  2

Roberts Rules of Order  8

Robinson, Leigh  31

Rock, Chris  22

roll of a die  63

roll-of-the-die  50

Romer, David  9

Romneycare  74

Romney, Mitt  13, 8, 6

Ronald Reagan  85

root cause analysis  65

Rosenstein, Rod  40

Rosenzweig, Paul  13

Roulac, Stephen  3

roulette  47

round off  52

routine documents  19

rude  30, 1

rules  41

rules of evidence  37, 2

rummage  40

run away in battle  83

Running with the herd  57

rural  71

Russia  15, 8, 4, 6, 0, 7, 8

Russians  13, 16, 6

Ryan, Paul  15


sad  16, 1

safety margin  96

Salem Witch trial  16

sales  90

salespeople  6

sales presentation  92

Salk, Dr. Jonas  60

Salk polio vaccine  60

salvage radiation  45

sample size was too small  63

Sanders, Bernie  14

San Francisco  93, 96

San Francisco Chronicle  96

sarcasm  20, 6

Saturday Night Live  15

Savant Capital  42

save  82

Saverin, Eduardo  47

save the deductible  69

scapegoat  34

Scapegoating  12

scarce  84

scared  74

scaring  73, 7

Schenck v. United States  92

Schlessinger, Dr. Laura  17

Schweizer, Peter  79

Science  17, 8

science error  18

scientific community  62, 63

scientific method  3, 4, 8

scientists  63

Scientists  66

scoffing  3

scoffing sound  15

scoop  58, 9

scoop bias  58

Scranton  73

scrimping  82

SD  71

SEAL  17

search warrant  16, 4

Second Amendment  24

secret  12, 9, 0

secretary  95

secrets  92

Section 2 of the United States Constitution  72

Section 6  92

securities fraud  21

Security Analysis  81

selection process  42

Self-amortizing  70

self-attribution bias  65

self-confidence  17

self-fulfilling prophesy  89

self-improvement  33

self-insurance  69

self-insuring  69

Self-made wealth  14

self-reliant  98

self-righteous  40, 6

sell at the to  67

selling low  82

sell papers  79

sells papers  59

sell too late  67

Senate  92

sensational  58

senses  35

sensitivity analysis  53

service  39

several-standard-deviation  86

sexist  73

sexually discriminated  55

sexual “misbehavior.  14

Shakespeare  24

shame  56

Shapiro, Ben  36

Sharpton, Al  14

Shaw, George Bernard  26, 5

sheep’s clothing  37

shield  39

shifting the risk  68

shipwreck  69

shoe leather  79

shooting streaks  44

Shouting down  22

showing off  36

shut-up” tactic  22

sickle cell anemia  54

sigh  15

signal  59

Sign of Four  49

Silencing  22

Silent Spring  87

silver  81

silver star  7

simplistic  18, 9

Simpson, OJ  71

simultaneous claims  49

Singapore  24, 7

single-elimination  44

single-family  94

single-payer  73

single person  55, 1

sirens  82

Size of the bet  50

skill  83

skin color  54

sky’s the limit  69

Slackbridge  16

slander  27, 5, 2

slandering  17

S&L Debacle  84

slight error  19

Slight misquote  30

slippery slope  24

Sloan-Kettering Memorial  63

Sloan-Kettering Memorial Cancer Hospital  45

Sloganeering  10

slush fund  41

small error  19

small sample  50

Small sample  50

Smartest Guys in the Room  21

smell test  15

Smith, Adam  61

smokestack  66

Snipes, Wesley  19

snobs  75

snow  96

sober  68

Soccer  56

socialism  22, 2

socialist  56, 3

Socialist  14

Socialist Workers Party  53

social media  41

Social Security  74, 3

Socrates  38, 8

soils  95

solar  61

solar-powered paddle boats  61

solvent  67

something of value  92

sonic boom  32

Soros’ book  65

Soros, George  65

sound mind  83

sources  12

Sour grapes  28

Southeast Asia  24

Soviets  32

Soviet Union  24

Sowell, Thomas  18, 9, 9, 54

So what?  27

S&P  81

S&P 500  42, 8, 9

spacecraft  97

speak truth to power  76

special interest  39

speculating  66

Speculation  66

speculative mania  81, 0

speed  97

speed bumps  36

Spencer, Herbert  80

spending  39

spilt milk  21

spin  28

Splitting the difference  27

Spock, Mr.  80

Sports Illustrated  87

Sports Illustrated cover jinx  43

spread sheet  50

spread-sheet program  53

spying  76

SST  31

Stalin  73

Stalin, Josef  73

Standard deviations  86

standing operating procedure  30

standing orders  82

Stanford  96

stare decisis  39

starting position  27

Star Trek  80

State Department  19

statement  23

statements of fact  28

state of the art  75

state polls  89

static  59

statistically detectable  52

statistically noticeable  52

statistically significant  52

statisticians  25, 5, 3

statistics  42, 4

status quo  57

Status quo bias  82

statute  40

statute of limitations  29

statutory rape  14

stealing  39

steel  96, 7

steel beam  96

steel coils  96

Steele  18

Steele, Christopher  18

Steele “dossier  77

Steele Dossier  18

Steel Manual  97

STEM  17

step ladder  97

Stereotyping  9

stiffness  96

stock brokers  88

stock forecasters  88

stock-market  66

stock market analysts  86

Stock market analysts  88

stock market crash  43

Stock market forecasters  88

stock market risk  68

stock pickers  81

stock picking  67

stockpiling  70

stockpiling money  70

stocks  82

stock value  43

Stolen Valor Act  92

Stonewalled  22

stool  30

storm  69

strange  16

Strauss  37

Straussian  37

Straussian, Leo]  37

Straw man  13

streaks  44

streaming services  75

strength of his convictions  40

stress  54

stressed  96

strikes  87

strokes  87

Structural analysis  95

Structural design  95

studies  40, 8

Studies  33, 2

study  58, 9

stupid  73

subjective  6, 7, 8, 7

subpoena  41

subpolls  89

subprime borrowers  86

Subprime crisis  86

subprime mortgag  86

Subprime Mortgage  86

subscribers  81

subscriptions  75

substitute for results  35

Succeeding  98

successes  83

successes of people we do not like  65

sudden  69

sued  69

sugar pill  26

suggestion  17

suggestions  15

Summers, Larry  43

sunk cost  64

Sunk cost  64

sunk cost fallacy  65

sunspots  59

super computers  60

Superforecasting: the Art and Science of Prediction  87

Superfreakonomics  61, 87

superman  17

supersonic transport  31

superstition  21, 0

Suppression of the opponent’s voters  73

Supreme Court  62, 2, 7, 2

surface teaching  37

Surgeon General  63

Surgery  45

survival bias  42

survival of the fittest  80

surviving  43

survivors  42

survivorship bias  42

Swier, Dr. Rich  31

symbolism  37

Syria  78

systematic  66


tackles  50

Tacoma Narrows bridge  96

taking a quote out of context  13

taking dictation  79

talk fast  36

Talking faster  36

talking points  79

tariff  40

Tarlov, Jessica  37

tax  74, 83

taxes  47

tax hikes  61

taxi/ridesharing fare  47

taxi/ride sharing fares  47

taxis/ride share  48

Tax Reform Act of 1986  84

tax returns  36

Tea Party  22

Technology  17

temperature  88

Templeton, Sir John  81

ten-day forecasts  88

tenure  27, 8, 9

term of art  52

terror  77

terrorism  8

Terrorism  76

terrorism insurance  49

Tesla  66

test probabilities  46

Test results  46

Tetlock, Philip  87

Texas  84

Thailand  24

Theatrical fake laughter or sighs  15

The Birds  25

there is no “free lunch  97

Thermodynamics  95

The Week  37

think critically  98

Thinking in Bets  64

Think like a Freak  56

Think Like a Freak  56

think tank  65

think tanks  79

thin-skinne  30

thin-skinned  37

Thomas, Clarence  77

Thomas Gilovich  44

those who  13

three Rs  76

throw of a die  49

throw the die  49

throw-up-your-hands  68

ticket punched  78

tidal waves  87

Tide  76

tie  53

Tie  56

ties  15

timber manual  97

timber trestle bridge  95

time  82

Time  34

time markets  90

time series  43, 3

times series  93

Times v. Sullivan  92

time value of money  53

timing  16, 1

timing markets  91

tiny  52

Tiny Tim  32

Todd, Chuck  41

Toddlers  23

tone  31

tone king  31

too small of a sample size  25

top  96

top-stock-pickers list  88

tort case  64

tort lawyer  60

tort liability  56

torture  84

touchdown  65

tow a trailer  97

Tower, Senator John  6

towing  97

toxic  16

trade association seminar  33

trade deficit  41

trademark  12

trade-off  29, 5, 7

trade-offs  97

tradeoffs  97

trade secrets  12

traditional insurance policies  69

traffic fatalities  77

tragedy of the commons  61

traitor  73

transaction costs  42, 3, 80, 1

transfer risk  71

trauma  62

treason  16, 8, 2

trees  61, 3

Tregoe, Benjamin  65

trial court  73

trial lawyers  20

triangles  97

trickle-down economics  41

troubling  16, 1

truck  96

trucks  56, 96, 7

True negative  46

true positive  45

Trump  12, 3, 5, 16, 8, 9, 2, 9, 4, 9, 0, 3, 4, 76, 7, 9

trusts  83

trustworthy  70

Truth-in-Lending law  8

Truth-In-Lending Law  8

truth-seeking  6, 9

Truth seeking  33

truth to power  98

Tufte  93

Tufte, Edward  93

tuition  43

tulip bulb mania  90

Tupolev Tu-144  32

Tu quoque  27

Turkey  78

turn back the clock  18

Turning one source into more than one  77

turnout  73, 9

TV  75, 9

Tversk, Amos  25

tversky  44

Tversky  49, 0

Twice a tiny number  52

two points  65

TX  71, 1

types of wood  97

typical  26

typo  19

Tzu, Lao  86


Uber  48

U.K.  87

Ukraine  74

ulcers  54, 2

unable to discharge the powers and duties  72

uncompetitive  48

unconstitutional  19

uncorrelated asset classes  81

under-construction structure collapsing  96

underpriced  66

Unelected President  19

unemployment  55

unemployment insurance  49

unexamined long practice  27

unexpected  69, 9

unfair  41

Unfavorable-to-the-borrower state laws  71

unhappy breakthrough  59

unhinged  72, 3

uninsurable loss  70

Union  64

union demonstration  22

University in Northern Ireland  76

University of Texas  10

unlikely” voters  89

unlimited (dollar) homestead bankruptcy exemption  71

unlimited dollar homestead exemptions  71

unpredictable  53

unprofessional  19

unreliable source  77

Unsafe at Any Speed  87

unsanitary condition  80

unusual  69

urban  71

Urban Dictionary  23

urban legend  21

urine  45

urologist  45

USC  78

useless information  84

use something until you die  83  23

U.S. National Council for Excellence in Critical Thinking  98

utilities  78

utility  51


VA  70, 3

vacation  14

vague  39, 0, 2, 7, 2

vagueness  31

Vagueness  11

VA healthcare  55

value  65

Value at Risk (VAR)  86

value investing  81

value investing strategy  43

Value investor  89

values of income properties  84

vandalism  22

vandalizing  34

VAR  86

vast wasteland  75

vehicle  96

vehicles  69

vehicle traffic  96

venous thrombosis  52

vested interest  9

veterans  12

vibrations  96

Vice-President  72

Vidal, Gore  13

Vietnam  56, 5, 3

Vietnam War  24

Virginia Slims  76

volcanic eruptions  87

voter “nullification  73


wages  41

wait too long  67

Wald, Abraham  43

Wallace, Chris  36

Wall Street Journal  13, 7

war  21, 29, 4

war hero  7

war on poverty  32

warrant  18

Warrants  16

Warren, Robin  55

wars  50, 7

War Stories  7

Washington Post  19, 9

Washington State  96

water  70

Watergate  79

Watergate scandal  15

water over the dam  21

Waters  72, 3

Waters, Maxine  72

water under the bridge  21

Watson  49

way  16

weakest link  60, 9

wealth  32

Wealth of Nations  61

wealthy  47

weapon  39

weaponize  41

weather  60

Weather Bureau  88

Weather forecasters  88

weather graph  93

weathermen  88

weighted average value  65

Westlaw  75

West Point  2, 9, 9, 0, 5, 6, 5, 5, 6, 7

Wharton School  87

What  66

what is unknowable  84

what’s done is done  21

What Terrorists Want  76

what to measure  56

what you knew at the tim  21

wheat  70

Wheaties  70

When  66

Where  66

whistleblower  34

Whistleblower Informant Reward program  34

whistleblowers  34

white  54

White House  55, 3

white nationalist  41

white nylon filament  66

whites  54

white supremacist  39

Who  66

who benefits  34

Who cares?  28

who pays  75

Why  66

Why Most Published Research Findings Are False  58

Whyte, Jamie  22

WHY you might be wrong  7

WI  89

wild animals  80

wild card  72

Williams, Juan  15, 2

wills  63

wind  96

wind-caused vibration  96

wine-taster approval  18

wink  37

winner forecasts  87

winners  88

wire fraud  92

wiretap  18

Wisconsin  40

wises up  67

wise up  66

with which therefore because of which  25

witness  79

witness protection program  34, 2

womanizer  6

womb  52

women’s lib movement  76

won  52

wood  97

wood beams  95

Wood, Peter  60

Woodward, Bob  79

Word  41

world economy  87

world government  61

World War I  80, 95

World War II  43

worn out  97

worst case  96

worst-case claim  69

wounding  80

Write-ins  52

writing to impress rather than to express  36

written buy-and-sell criteria  82

written contracts  63

written criteria  81

written policy  82

written set of criteria  81

wrong doing  12


X) axis  93

Xerox  66

XIIth Amendment  72

XVI Amendment  19


Yahoo News  18

Yale Law School  72

Y) axis  93

Yeah  20

You get what you pay for  75

young  82

Younger  82

Youth Baseball Coaching  31

youth football  50

youth of Athens  38

YouTube  46


Z, Dr.  87

zero value  93

Zimmerman, Paul  87

zone  44