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How To Get Started in Real Estate Investment news release


from John T. Reed Publishing
342 Bryan Drive, Alamo, CA 94507
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: John T. Reed 925-820-7262; fax, 925-820-1259
How to Get Started in Real Estate Investment released Alamo, CA, June 1, 2000—John T. Reed’s Special Report How to Get Started in Real Estate Investment has just been released. (65 pages, 8 1/2 x 11, comb-bound, ISBN 0-939224-44-5, $29.95 + $4 shipping, CA residents add sales tax)

For 24 years, John T. Reed has been writing advice aimed at experienced, successful real estate investors in eleven books and in his newsletter, Real Estate Investor’s Monthly. “I had no objection to writing for beginners,” says Reed. “It’s just that it was uneconomical to market to them unless you were willing to do TV infomercials?” What changed? The Internet. Reed’s 255-page Web site draws hundreds of visitors a day—many of them beginners. At the Web site, Reed warned them against bad gurus and bad advice, but they protested, “I believe you about the bad gurus, but where do I start if not with them?” How to Get Started in Real Estate Investment was written in response to that question.

How to Get Started in Real Estate Investment covers setting financial goals, integrating real-estate investment with the rest of your personal financial program, selecting the real-estate-investment strategy that is best for you, acquiring needed knowledge, finding mentors, working to learn in the real-estate field, and buying your first property.

The Report covers both hard facts, like how to learn about real-estate law and the mathematics of real-estate finance, and emotional issues like dealing with buyer’s remorse and discouragement from friends and relatives.

Reed was a real-estate investor for 23 years in New Jersey and Texas and has been a homeowner in California since 1980. He is the author of eight full-length books and four Special Reports on real-estate investment. His book Aggressive Tax Avoidance for Real Estate Investors is in its 16th edition; How to Manage Residential Property for Maximum Cash Flow and Resale Value, in its 5th edition. Reed is also the author and publisher of Real Estate Investor’s Monthly, a nationwide newsletter. He holds a B.S. degree from West Point and a M.B.A. from Harvard Business School.