How to Buy Real Estate For at LEast 20% Below Market Value corrections and supplements
Lloyd Walters new address
Mr. Books, 2814 W. Bell Road Suite 1495 , Phoenix, AZ 85023 602-504-3766
Finding books
Many of the books listed in How to Buy Real Estate... are out of print. R.R. Bowker's directory Books Out-Of-Print is available on line at You can usually find out-of-print books through one or more of the following methods. Ask your local reference librarian to do an interlibrary search. Contact these book finders on the Internet:,
Gary DiGrazia address and numbers
22628 Foothill Boulevard, Hayward, CA 94541 510-733-3771 fax 510-317-9644
Lonnie Scruggs address and numbers
1236 Smokey Mountain Trail, Chesapeake, VA 23320 757-436-4337 fax 757-436-5311
Jim Stephenson address and number
13208 Peters Road, Needville, TX 77461 979-553-3525
Mr. Books, 2814 W. Bell Road Suite 1495 , Phoenix, AZ 85023 602-504-3766
Finding books
Many of the books listed in How to Buy Real Estate... are out of print. R.R. Bowker's directory Books Out-Of-Print is available on line at You can usually find out-of-print books through one or more of the following methods. Ask your local reference librarian to do an interlibrary search. Contact these book finders on the Internet:,
Gary DiGrazia address and numbers
22628 Foothill Boulevard, Hayward, CA 94541 510-733-3771 fax 510-317-9644
Lonnie Scruggs address and numbers
1236 Smokey Mountain Trail, Chesapeake, VA 23320 757-436-4337 fax 757-436-5311
Jim Stephenson address and number
13208 Peters Road, Needville, TX 77461 979-553-3525