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John T. Reed’s real estate investment blog

John T. Reed’s views of various Real Estate Gurus, Part 5

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Continued from Part 4 Bill Steiger—Unknown Use my Real Estate B.S. Artist Detection Checklist to evaluate this guru. I got an email from a very unhappy customer of Steiger’s. He basically did not think what he got was worth anywhere near what he paid. I assume Steiger has a different opinion, but since there were no factual allegations, I have not asked him about it. Martin Stone He wrote a book on real estate investment with Spencer Strauss. See my review of it here. Spencer Strauss He wrote a book on real estate investment with Martin Stone. See my review...

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Trump University is worse than reported

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I have long been the number one enemy of the get-rich-quick real estate investment gurus Because of the presidential race, there is an explosion of interest now in the Trump University case. The media are not getting the Trump University story right Furthermore, the media are getting the story wrong because they don’t understand the get-rich quick industry. When these get-rich-quick guys first came on the scene, I was the other side of the story on 60 Minutes, Good Morning America and Larry King Live. It’s not like anyone replaced me. The media just stopped covering the story. Trump University...

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The disappearance of John N. Beck II

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John N. Beck II mysteriously disappeared 2/9 around noon at Land’s End in San Francisco. Land’s End is the shoulder of land that juts out into the Pacific Ocean from the south end of the Golden Gate Bridge. This has been in the local print and TV media since 2/9. A reader asked me to comment.I have known Beck since 1977 as a friend, colleague, and, until about 2005, a quiet ally in my crusade against the get-rich-quick, real-estate investment, infomercial crowd. In 2005, he went over to the other side and became one of the infomercial guys. After talking...

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So-called ‘sellers’ markets’ are really buyers’ markets

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Nobody but my readers understands so-called “buyer’s markets” in real estate. But some of your are new so I need to educate you.The hoi polloi, including journalists and real estate agents, claim it’s a sellers’ market when homes sell quickly and a buyers’ market when they take a long time to sell. That is dead wrong.The principle these people are commenting about inarticulately is the fact that SELLERS ARE OFTEN BEHIND THE MARKET. Buyers never are because they are IN the market currently looking at lots of houses and they ARE the market.When prices are falling, like 2008, the seller...

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Selected responses to John T. Reed’s analysis of Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

Posted by John T. Reed on

Selected responses to John T. Reed’s analysis of Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki I put the emails opposing me in red and those supporting me in green. They give you a flavor of the type of person who makes Kiyosaki a best-selling author compared to the kind who buy my books. John T. Reed. Hey Mr. Reed, I just wanted to thank you for your amazing work on your website on debunking the lies of Robert Kiyosaki. Like, you literally don't know how much your article has helped me. I'm a 20 year old college student, and after...

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