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John T. Reed’s news blog

Adults riding bikes in America is a dangerous, expensive affectation

Posted by John Reed on

My Baby Boomer generation has famously refused to get old. Those of us in the front rank (born in 1946) are now 69 years old. So we are getting old whether many of us are willing to admit it or not. The kooky belief seems to be if you work out and buy groceries at Whole Foods, you don’t get old. Thus bicycling, which is arguably exercise, being done by adults. When I was a kid in the 1950s and the early 1960s, adults did not ride bikes. We were much poorer then—no TV or car at my house—so, if anything,...

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A new world financially since 2008

Posted by John Reed on

World changed since the last edition in 2008 Also, the previous second edition of Succeeding was written in 2008. As you know, the financial world turned upside down that year and has not gotten much better since. Consequently, I had to almost totally rewrite the chapters on: Investment Wealth Savings Risk Die Broke Rejecting "Little old me-ism" Don't be a "weed" A landscaping analogy for your career path All Youtube videos of John T. Reed Reviewed every word of prior edition When the second edition of Succeeding sold out in September 2011, I reread every word of the book and...

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Simple is best. ETFs are not simple enough.

Posted by John Reed on

Reed’s rule #1 in my Reed’s Rules of Real Estate Finance Is “Simple is better than complex.” Those rules are in my book Fundamentals of Real Estate Finance. Many readers of my book How to Protect Your Life Savings from Hyperinflation & Depression, 2nd edition, have asked what I think about using ETFs to hedge against USD hyperinflation. I said I did not like them because they are unnecessarily complicated and because they have a higher degree of political risk—maybe huge political risk. I was also concerned that they are relatively new and have not been tested in multiple crises....

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Anchor babies

Posted by John Reed on

Pundits who ought to know better are defining anchor babies as babies born to illegal alien couples who come to the U.S. late in their pregnancies for the sole purpose of having a baby to make the baby an American citizen. Parents often here legally Some are, but many, maybe most, are born to LEGAL aliens called tourists—tourists who have not yet overstayed their tourist visas. The legal status of the non-U.S.-citizen parents is irrelevant. If I were a foreigner, from any country, not just Latin America or China, I would deliberately bring my pregnant wife to America late in...

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