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Fixers index

$250,000-per-person-long-term-capital-gain exclusi 50
20% was the minimum bargain that allowed a profit 81
60 Minutes 38, 79
A&E TV show 80
access road 90
acquisition 74
actuary 35
Adam 85
Adam, Robert 85
Add room 53
add value 73, 74, 91
Aggressive Tax Avoidance for Real Estate Investors 44
aging 60
air-conditioner 61
air-conditioner repairman 70
Alamo 83
Alamo, CA 19, 86
Alcatraz 80
Allen, Robert 11, 17, 18, 19, 24, 32
All in the Family 79
ambient appreciation rate 80, 81, 82, 87
American Slate Company 65
ammonia 70
analysis paralysis 34
Anderson windows 69, 76
doors 69
Andrews, Paul 25, 26
annual loan constant 54
antennae 61
apartment association 17
appliances 60
appraisal 33, 41, 89
out-appraising the market 83, 89
x-ray vision 83
appraiser 9, 32, 62
appreciation 54, 73, 80, 81, 82, 87
breakeven 82
architect-attorney 41
architects 74
Architectural Digest 9
architectural style 72
Adam 85
authentic 85
classic 85
colonial 84
Colonial Revival 85
Craftsman 85
Dutch colonial 85
efficient to build 85
Federal 72
folk 84
French 72
Georgian 85
Greek Revival 72, 85
Mansard 72
Prairie 85
Queen Anne 72, 85
Victorian 85
architectural symbol 85
ARM 41
artistes 65
assembly 83, 84, 90
assessor 39, 42
assignable 37
Atlanta, GA 84
attached properties 59
attic exhaust fan 65
avalanches 64
awards 92
awnings 61, 72
Back to the Future 79
backups 71
balcony 29, 61
Baldwin lock 77
balloon 37
balloon payment 55
barbecue 62
bargain purchase 62, 67, 81, 82, 83, 91
Bates’ house 79
bathroom 63, 69, 76
counters 76
Bay Area Consumer CheckBook 20
Bay Area Investor Information Services 37
Bay Area Investors Education Services 48
bedroom 63
Berkeley, CA 38
Berkeley fire storm 25
bidet 61
bikers 33, 47
binder title policy 38
binge strategy 17, 43
binoculars 67
blinds 61, 69
blinds between the panes 69
blueprints 74
board-and-batten 72
boiler 17
boom times 83
boot 63
breakeven 82
Brigham Young University 19
brokerage 74
Brown, Robert Wade 14
Brown Foundation Repair and Consulting, Inc. 14
Bruss, Robert 14, 29
budget 87
build-to-suit 73, 74
builder-grade materials 75
builders price 16
building code 77, 79, 90
building inspector 40, 87
building permit 65
Bunker, Archie 79
bureaucracy 38
business plan 31
buy-low-sell-high 50
buy-very-low-sell-low strategy 50
buyer beware 87
buyer list 53
buying back the mortgage 35
Buying it cheap. 67
Buy It, Fix It, Sell It, Profit 30
CA 83
cabinets 60, 89, 90
Cagan, Dr. Christopher L. 81, 82
California 65, 78, 81, 86
California State Automobile Association 77
Camden, NJ 29
capitalization rate 15, 55, 88
carpenter 70
carpet 43, 60, 62, 77
carpet installer 70
carrying costs 37, 47, 74, 82, 89, 90, 92
minimize 82
casement windows 60, 84
cash-on-cash return 55
cash flow 7, 87
cashless 74
celebrity infidelity 92
Cemwood 64
ceramic tile 70, 77
certificate of insurance 39
Charter, Pier 27, 29
Chase, Del 19
check-writing program 34
CheckBook 21
Cherry Hill, NJ 12
chimney 36, 85
clapboards 69
Clark County, NV 81
class-action litigation 64
classic 85
clean-up 10, 53
cleaner uppers 46
Clinton, William Jefferson 92
closing costs 80
clutter removal 77
co-op 50
co-signer 52
code 41
code violation 74
colonial 72, 84
Colonial Revival 85
Columbia University 19
comfort level 23
commercial insurance 39
commercial sewing machine 48
commission 21, 22, 30, 44, 50
common area 13, 59
common sense 66
compactor 61
Competitive Market Analysis 30
composite board 66
computers 34
concealing material facts 56, 57
concrete-based roof tiles 64
condemned 68
condo 50, 51
condo conversion 29
conservators 50
conspiracy 56
constant 35, 55
construction financing 8, 43, 73
consumer law demands 87
contamination 90
contractors 11, 70, 71, 74, 75
backups 71
contrasting colors 60
converting space 68, 74
cookie cutter 24
copyright issues 79
cosmetic condition 58
cosmetic renovation 8, 57, 59, 67, 73, 74, 89, 90
rehab principles 60
cosmetic renovation of common areas 59
cost-benefit analysis 76
cost-effective change 92
cost per square foot 8
hidden cost 75
cost per square foot hierarchy 9
Cost vs. Value Report 57
counterfeiting 56, 57
countertops 76
plywood template 76
remnant 76
Craftsman 85
Creating Wealth 24
credit card loan 56
credit crunch 23
cribbing 91
crime 92
Crookedest Street in the World 80
Crouch, Greg 37, 39
cultured onyx 76
customer service 71
cut once 76
DDallas, TV show 79
damage 68
fire 68
flood 68
shower water 69
Davidson, George 21, 22, 23, 24
dealer 37, 51
debris 10
DeCima, Jay 33, 34, 35, 46, 47
deck 40, 61
deck/patio 53
deferred maintenance 20, 27, 54
delayed exchange 22
delegating 17
demolition 41, 61, 70, 83
den 70
Denver, John 78
depreciation 37
design 72, 74, 84, 85
designers 74
design landscaper 25
Details, Details 25
diffusers 76
DiGrazia, Gary 22
disasters 68, 87, 89
discount 35, 92
discount the future benefits 63
Discovery Home Channel 80
dishwasher 61
DisneyWorld 84
distributor 16
divorce 70
do-it-yourself 11, 36, 57, 59
door knocker 80
dormers 64, 65, 78, 80, 85
downspouts 61, 66
drapes 61, 69
drawings 66, 74
unambiguous drawings 66
DreamWorks 67
drug dealers 30
dryer 62
dry rot 69
due diligence 80, 82
Duffield, David 83
duplex 40, 86
Dupree + Scott Apartment Advisors, Inc. 54
Dutch Boy job 9
Dutch colonial 85
Dutch shutters 72
easier said than done 74
East Point, GA 35
easy qualifier 37
Echeguren Slate, Inc. 65
economies of scale 31, 73, 74
efficient to build 85
electrical outlets 60
electrician 70, 71
elevators 59, 60
energy conservation 78
energy cost saved 75
fluorescent lights 76
engineer 65, 74
civil engineer 66
structural engineer 65
engineer drawing 66
enough 49
Enterprise, Joseph 88
equity 55
estimates 20, 21, 71, 75, 89
estimators 89
exaggerating value 57
excess proceeds 56
exchange 16, 37, 44, 63
expiration 38
exterior 25
Extreme Makeover: Home Edition 92
facade 59, 60
factory 17
fair market rent 63, 92
false claims 56
false statements to a federally-related lender 56
false statements to HUD 56
fast buck, not the last buck. 68
fast resale price 62
Federal Reserve Bank 86
Federal style 72
fence 61
fertilizer 17
FHA 30, 50, 56, 62, 68
FHA’s 203 k program 8
FHA mortgage 21
FHA Title I home improvement loan 8
Field Guide to Dealing with Stigmatized Properties 92
finance costs 80
financing 37, 40, 68
fire damage 22, 90
fireman with a backpack 77
fire or flood damage 68
fireplace 62
first-floor hallway 59
first-time homebuyers 54
Fixin’ Ugly Houses For Money 33
flashing 64, 65, 66, 67, 69
flat market 73
flat roof 22, 72
Fletcher 43, 44
Fletcher, Matt 42
flippers 53
Flipping 50, 81
flipping 52, 62, 74, 80, 82
pre-construction flips 81
profit equation 82
Flip That House 80
Flip This House 80
flood damage 90
flood insurance 78
floor-plan improvements 68
converting 68
flooring 64
random-width flooring 64
Florida 60, 81
flower box 80
foreclosure 81
for sale by owner 39, 50
foundations 14, 15, 34, 37, 38, 67, 68, 89, 90, 91
Foxworthy, Jeff 33
fraud 57, 62, 81
Freeman, Ro 15
French doors 69
French style 64, 72
Fresno State University 18, 19
full asking price 36
gables 65, 85
garage 38, 46, 56, 61, 65, 66
Garland, Judy 79
gas line 40
Geffen, David 67
general contractor 17, 22, 25, 27, 33
gentrification 52, 53, 54
geographical disparities 86
geographically dispersed 91
Georgian style 85
get-rich-quick gurus 62
get-rich-quick infomercial 80
get-rich-quick seminars 62, 74
glass 69
double panes 69
low-e glass 69
one-way mirror 69
Glubetich, Dave 19
Golden Gate Bridge 85
Gone With the Wind 79
Gracon Construction 65, 66
granite 76
remnant 76
greater fool 68
greater than the sum of its parts 83
Greek Revival style 72, 85
Greene, Bill “Tycoon” 31
greenhouse 61
Grosse Pointe, MI 42
guardians 50
guard rail 25
gutters 61, 65, 66, 78
“haunted” houses 92
“hottest” ZIP codes 82
hallways 28, 59, 60, 68
handicapped 60
handrails 60
handyman special 30
Hardy, Andy 79
Haroldsen, Mark 17
Harrison, Frank 92
Harvard Business Review 24
Harvard Business School 19
Harvard Divinity School 19
Harvard University 19, 49
hazard-and-liability insurance 74
hazard insurance 17, 37, 39
heat 69
convection 69
infrared 69
hidden cost 75
highest and best use 83
Himmah, Gael 19
hips 65
historically authentic 72, 85
holdbacks 7
holding period 82
Hollywood 79, 80
home-equity interest 56
home-improvement loan 40
Home Again 37
Home Channel 80
Home Depot 77
home design 60
home equity loan 56
home office 70
homeowners exemption 44
homeowners policy 39
Hometech Information Systems 58
hose 61
hot-water heater 20
hot climate 72
house-flipping reality TV 80
How I Turned $1,000 into $1,000,000 in Real Estate in My Spare Time 17, 25, 56, 86
How I Turned $1,000 into $5,000,000 in Real Estate in My Spare Time 5, 11, 15, 20, 31, 48
How to Become Financially Independent by Investing 18
How to Buy Real Estate for At Least 20% Below Market Value 22, 44, 48, 81, 92
How to Buy Real Estate for Little or No Money Down 33
How to Do a Delayed Exchange 44
How To Get Started in Real Estate Investment. 21
How to Increase the Value of Real Estate 14, 15, 20, 29, 31, 46, 47, 83, 84
How to Manage Residential Property for Maximum Cas 16, 29, 44, 52, 61
How To Use Leverage To Maximize Your Real Estate I 8
How We Made $1,000,000 Dollars Recycling Great Old Houses 7, 11
HUD 37, 55, 56
Hughes, Howard 48
Hughes, John 12, 20
IDC 70
idiots 68, 90
I have no cash to invest 81
Improve the Value of Your Home Up to $100,000 58
in-fill 73
income properties 54, 59
increasing the value by fix-up 67
inflation 86
calculator 86
infrared heat 69
inner-city 29
Inspector General of HUD 56
installment sale 34, 37
insurance 74
“building code upgrade” coverage 77
flood 78
hazard 17, 37, 39
insurance consultant 39
interest-only loan 55
interest group 62
interest moratorium 34
interim titleholder 63
interior 25
interior-decorating company 48
internal rate of return 34
investment, passive 89
investment, pure 87
investors’ time 80, 87
IRC 280A(g) 92
IRS 57, 63
Letter Rulings 63
Irwin, Robert 58
itemized expense 56
ivory tower mind 82
jacks 15
Jenkins, Joseph 64
joists 66
junk cars 33, 47
Katrina 91
Kennedy, Shirley 44
King George 85
Kinkade, Thomas 65, 78, 79
kitchen cabinets 60
kiwi bird 73
KY 21
labor 89
Lafayette, CA 64
Lancaster, PA 16, 20
Landlording 35, 76
landscaping 88, 89
land under a dilapidated building 83
larger-than-normal rooms 68
Larsen, James 92
Las Vegas, NV 81, 82
law of physics 69
lead paint 45, 90
lease option 38, 39
lease option report 38
lease term 13
leasing 68, 74
Leave it to Beaver 79
Letter 2006-0012 92
Letter Rulings 63
Leuck, John 37, 38, 40
license 50
life and remainder estate 51
LifeWise Home 60
light fixtures 61
diffusers 76
fan light 85
fluorescent 76
lighting 80
like-kind property 63
line of credit 56
Linskie, Lee 15
load-bearing wall 28
load factor 15, 29, 68, 90
loan-to-value ratio 55
lobby 59, 68
lock 77
Baldwin 77
Schlage 77
look down walk around 61
Los Angeles, CA 93
Los Angeles Times Challenge 19
Louisville 21
louvers 72
low-e glass 69
Lowry, Al 17, 18, 19
“more appropriate size” 83
mailbox 80
mail fraud 56
maintenance landscaper 25
Maintenance Warehouse 16
Malden, Karl 80
Malibu, CA 67
Mansard style 72
Manson killings 92
Marin County, CA 19
marketing 74
resale marketing 80
Marketing Myopia 24
market research firm 70
market value 62
Markles, Don 41, 42
markup 21
mart 48
Mary Tyler Moore Show 79
Massachusetts 45
materialmens-lien 43
materials 55, 57
McCorkle, William 18
McDonalds Restaurant 92
Means Residential Detailed Costs 88
measure twice 76
mechanical aptitude 24
medicine cabinet 62
membership fee 50
memorandum of option 38
metal sheds 61
Miami, FL 82
Miami-Dade County 81
microwave oven 62
Midwest, the 86
Milgard windows 76
Millbridge, Maine 15
minimum discount 92
Minneapolis, MN 86
mirrors 62
misconceptions 35
mistake 81
model home 73
modernize your kitchen 58
mold 90
money laundering 56
mononucleosis 24
Moraga, California 25
moratorium on mortgage payments 34
more appropriate size 90
Mother Nature 64
Mount Holly, NJ 59
mouths of the babes 62
moving buildings 47, 84, 90
Muldoon, Jim 15, 16, 17, 20
multifamily 59
Multiple Listing Service 21, 30, 49, 82, 91
murders 92
Murphy’s Laws 43, 52
Myers, Kevin 30
nails 64, 66
National Association of Realtors 63, 70
National Center for Real Estate Research 63
National Construction Cost Estimator 21
National Housing Act 55
Nationwide Mortgage Services, Inc.. 37
negative cash flow 55
neighborhood standards 58, 64
Nevada 81
New Jersey 12, 65, 71, 85, 87
newlyweds 20, 49, 58, 59, 67, 68, 90
Nicholson, Jack 93
Nickerson, Bob 48
Nickerson, Lucille 17, 48, 49, 51
Nickerson, William 5, 11, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 31, 39, 48, 54, 56, 59, 86, 87
Nickerson formula 15, 17
Noe Valley Neighborhood Association 29
non-load-bearing wall 28
nonresidential 12, 56
Norris, Bruce 38, 40
Northeast, the 86
not as a perfect house. 90
Nothing Down 11, 18, 19
nothing down 24, 32, 62
Not In My BackYard activism 58
O’Shaughnessy, Mark 35, 36, 37
Oakland, CA 59
odor removal 90
off-campus fixer 51
office buildings 60
Old House Journal 20
one-man operation 75
one-way mirror 69
operating expense ratio 88
opportunity cost 63
option 68
Orange County, CA 81, 82
OREO 21, 30, 31, 32, 44
OSB 66
other people’s money 62
OPM 62
Our Town 48
out-appraising the market 83, 89
out-of-state owners 67
outside contractors 56
over-55 50, 51
over-55 fixers 49
overestimates 89
overhead 47
overvaluing assets 56
Owens-Corning 64
paint 9, 76, 87, 88, 89
painting contractor 36, 70
paperwork requirements 56, 87
particle board 66
partnerships 31, 32, 34
silent 32
passive real estate investing 89
patio 61
pavement 62
Pella windows 76
Pella windows and doors 69
Peralta Apartments 19
percentage of purchase price per day 82
Permatek 64
permit expediter 41
personal-use loan 56
Peterson-Dean, Inc. 65, 67
Philadelphia, PA 63, 65
Philpott Enterprises 17
Pick, Charlie 27, 29
picket fence 34
plan 74
plans 74
playground 61
Pletschett, Cliff 17
plottage 83
plumber 70
plumbing 26, 28, 60, 76
plywood 64, 66
marine plywood 69
redwood 69
plywood template 76
point of diminishing returns 48
Polanski, Roman 93
pool 52, 61
porch 36, 79, 85
portico 85
positive cash flow 34, 43, 55
Postino Restaurant 64
Potemkin Village 59, 79
potential is “invisible” 58
Prairie style 85
pre-foreclosures 21
pre-sale fix-up 25, 53
Predicting the future is impossible. 82
prepayment bonus 35
present value 63
pride of ownership 43, 54
privacy 26
prizes 92
proactive real estate investing 89
probate 22, 42, 44, 47, 50
profit 47
profit and overhead 57
profit calculation 89
profit equation 82
projected profit 93
properties that are so scary 58
property-improvement loans 54
property-wanted ad 39
property manager 24
property tax 39, 42, 44
proposal and contract forms 57
Proposition 13 39, 41
prosecutions 56
pruning 10
Psycho house 79
punch list of problems 67
purchase-money 56
purchase option 68
pure investment 87
pyramiding 87
qualified accommodation title holder 63
qualified intermediary 63
quarry 64
Queen Anne 72, 85
Queens, NY 79
quick-resale deals 81
Quick-sale value 53
racketeering 56
raise its fair market rental value 88
raise the rent 88
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 58
rationalization 54
real estate agent 25, 31
Real Estate B.S. Artist Detection Checklist 58
B.S. artists 58
Real Estate Flipping: Gold Mine 81
Real estate license 21
Realtor 12, 53
rear stairway 28
Red-ribbon Rule 31
Redding, CA 33, 35, 47
Reed’s Rule of Half 75
refinance 22, 41
refrigerators 61
rehab 60, 87
rehab contractor 74
related parties 63
religious beliefs 57
Move the Building 84
Remodeling Magazine 53, 57, 58, 63, 74, 87
Remodeling Old Houses 73
remodel kitchen 54
removal 46
remove them and not replace them 61
renovating raw land 10
renovation 5, 6, 7, 12, 73, 74, 75, 84, 88, 89
investors’ time 80
Measure twice, cut once. 76
siding 85
rent-control 29
rental 86, 87, 88, 92
rent control 29
rent increase 16
replacement-grade materials 75
windows 76
replacement property 63
Cost vs. Value Report 57
Field Guide to Dealing with Stigmatized Properties 92
Hometech Information Systems 58
Inspector General of HUD 56
Means Residential Detailed Costs 88
National Association of Realtors® study 70
National Construction Cost Estimator 21
Real Estate Flipping: Gold Mine, Mistake, or Fraud? 81
Residential Construction Costs 46
Single-Family Lease Option Report 38
resale 81
resale marketing 80
resale value 72
Residential Construction Costs 46
Residential Foundations: Design, Behavior, And Repair 14
Residential Property Acquisition Handbook 61
restoration 9
return on investment 82
reverse blockbusting 53
Revolutionary War 85
ride the market 89
ridgeboard 66
Riverside, CA 40
road to easy riches 80
Robinson, Leigh 35, 76
Rockwell, Norman 78, 79
Rolodex 70
roof 63, 66, 68, 84, 85, 91
British Isles style 64
class-action litigation 64
disasters 64
flat 72
guarantees 64
hipped roof 85
inspected 67
Italian/Spanish roof 64
Mansard roofs 64
non-flammable 65
oriented strand board 66
plans 66
reinforce 65, 66, 67
ridge 66
slate roof 63, 65, 78
snow and ice 66
thatched 84
wood shingles 65
roofer 65, 70
insurance 65
licensing 65
reputable 65, 67
roof tiles 64
Rooney, Mickey 79
rotted wood 69
row house 30
Royal Palace in Thailand 65
Ruff, Howard 19
rundown properties 59
Rupp, George 19
rural areas 47
Sachs, Dwain 22
sale 74
sale-by-owner 75
sales costs 87
sales force 73
San Antonio, TX 67, 68
San Diego, CA 92
San Francisco, CA 19, 28, 80, 85
San Francisco Chronicle 91
Santa Cruz, CA 38, 39, 47
Saylor Construction Consultants 47
Scarborough, Bob 23
Schlage locks 77
school district 74
School of Hard Knocks 35
Scott, Mike 54
screens 61
Sears Roebuck 12
seasoning 62, 68
Seattle, WA 52, 54
security 72
security bars 30
seed capital 57
self-amortizing loan 55
seller financing 68
sell it as a fixer 90
senior-friendly design features 60
separate meter 52
sequence 11
serial homeowner strategy 44
serial home seller 51
Seven Dwarfs house look 64, 78
shades 76
shake roof 63
shape 90
sheds 61
sheetrock 9
shims 69
shooting 30
shower 60, 61, 69
ceramic shelves 77
ceramic tile 77
crescent shower curtain rod 76
shower water 69
showing wear 68
shrubs 61
shutters 61, 72, 73, 78, 80, 84, 85
Sichelman, Lew 60
sideless buildings 59
siding 69, 85
signs 61
silent partner 32
sill plate 69
simultaneous closing 36
Single-Family Lease Option Report 38
skin the real estate cat 29
skylights 65
slate 78, 84
slate roof 63, 65
random-width, graduated slate 64
shingle seam 67
sidelap 67
Slate Roof Bible 64, 67
slate roofer 65
artistes 65
incompetent 67
insurance 65
licensing 65
reputable 65
slate valleys 64
Smith, Anson 14, 15
Snipes, Bill 48
snow guards 64
soil survey 74
South, the 86
Southfork, TX 79
speculation 89
speed 31, 47, 50, 53
spreadsheet 34
sprinklers 61
stair-mounted elevator 60
stairs 60
Stephenson, George 73
Stewart, Justice Potter 85
stigmatized property 92
store room 68
storm doors and windows 61
straw buyers 84
StreetSmart Real Estate, Inc. 32
Streets of San Francisco 80
structural repairs 6, 61, 89
student-housing office 52
study 70
subcontractors 8, 12, 21, 24, 25, 33, 37, 71, 74
subdivision 83, 90
submetering 43
suicide 92
suitability criteria 32
Sundance Consultants, Inc. 32
sun glare 69
superstitious people 92
Supreme Court 85
swimming pool 61
“Tycoon”, Bill Greene 31
Tara 79
tax-free exchange 62, 63
exchange 63
tax-free money 56
taxable income 92
tax free money 92
tear-down investment opportunity 83
tempered glass 77
temporary shades 76
termite inspection 40
termites 36, 41, 61
terms 32
test of time 85
Texaco 64
Thermopane 30
They ignored the plans. 66
This is the way we always do it 66
This Old House 14, 37
Thomas, Ted 19, 21
threshold 69
time value of money 34, 89
value of your time 82, 87
Title I loan 55, 56
title problem 44, 45
tornado-damage 21, 22
toxic contamination 90
transaction costs 56, 74, 82, 89, 90
holding period 82
Transamerica Pyramid 85
trash 33, 47, 61
trees 61
trusses 65, 66
tub-shower 69
ceramic shelves 77
Turner, Ted 79
turret 65
TV-infomercial 42
TV shows 80
60 Minutes 38, 79
Extreme Makeover: Home Edition 92
Flip That House 80
Flip This House 80
Home Again 37
Mary Tyler Moore 79
Streets of San Francisco 80
This Old House 14
unambiguous drawings 66
underestimate fix-up cost 68
underestimates 89
Unfit for Human Occupancy 22, 29
unified 26
uninhabitable 74, 87, 88, 90
Union Carbide 64
union labor 9
Union Theological Seminary 19
Universal Studios 79
University of Louisville 21
unsecured loan 8, 56
upgrading 83
upper floor apartment 59
urine smell 68
VA 50, 56, 68
Vacant property 47
vacant property 50, 53, 67, 74
Vallejo, CA 65, 78, 79, 80
value increases 80
value increases just by removing things 77
value of your time 82, 87
VA repo 30
Victorian style 28, 85
view liberation 90
Vila, Bob 14, 37
vintage 63
vision-impaired 60
volume discount 62
volume purchase 73
walk around 61
walkways 80
wallpaper 70
walls 68, 91
Wall Street Journal 14, 20, 70, 84, 92
washer 62
Washington, George 85
water supply 90
Weir, Mary 7
Weir, Sam 11
well 11
wheelchair-accessible 60
wheelchair bound 60
Whitney, Russ 56, 57
wholesaling 35, 62
wigwams 84
Wilder, Thornton 48
Windex 70
window coverings 61
window-covering replacement 76
window in the tub-shower 69
windows 60, 84
Anderson 76
Anderson windows
easier to install 76
casement 77, 84
cost-benefit analysis 76
double-hung 77, 84, 85
energy cost saved 75
fireman with a backpack 77
flower box 80
Milgard 76
Pella 76
tempered glass 77
Thermopane 30
window sill 69
Winnebago 49
winterized 42
wire fraud 56
word-processing 34
workers comp 39
wraparound front porch 79
wreaths 80
Wright, Frank Lloyd 85
www.firstamres. com 81 64 58
www.minneapolis 86
www.remodeling. 87 57, 63
x-ray vision 83
Yale University 19
zero-clearance chimney 36