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Deals that Make Sense table of contents

  1. 20% discount purchase 5
  2. 14-unit, no-equity foreclosure bargain 6
  3. Right-of-redemption bargain 9
  4. Inner-city fixers 10
  5. Stigmatized properties 11
  6. Using property-wanted ads to find bargains 14
  7. Gary DiGrazia rides again 16
  8. One investor’s 26-year career in apartments, Part I 17
  9. One investor’s 26-year career in apartments, Part II 20
  10. Building two rental houses a year 22
  11. $28,000 renovation profit 24
  12. Tax liens lead to bargain purchases 27
  13. Foundation bargain 29
  14. $180K profit in fixer duplex 32
  15. $80,000 rehab profit 35
  16. Used timeshares 38
  17. $5,100 rental house 40
  18. Title problem OREO rehab 42
  19. Anchorage again 44
  20. OREO flip 47
  21. Over-55 fixers 49
  22. Get affluent slowly 52
  23. Motels without sheets 54
  24. Renting out your home while you still live in it 57
  25. Flipping in the real world 60
  26. Off-campus fixer 63
  27. Gentrification flipping 64
  28. Homeowner dues foreclosure 66
  29. Miniwarehouse 67
  30. Edward Novak’s preforeclosure approach 70
  31. Delinquent tax sales 72
  32. Index 75