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John T. Reed’s news blog

1997 Football Clock Management news

Posted by John Reed on

Copyright by John T. ReedThese items are in chronological order with the most recent at the bottom of the page. This page got so big that it began to download too slowly so I broke it into a separate page for each year.Winning the overtime toss in high school or collegeThis is not a correction so much as an I-told-you-so. On page 121, I said you should choose to go on defense first if you win the toss for a high-school or college overtime. In the game I mentioned elsewhere on this page, the team that won the overtime toss,...

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Is Obama a Muslim?

Posted by John Reed on

I have never believed Obama was a Muslim. I also never believed the had any interest in Christianity other than as a pander to voters for political purposes. I don’t think he has gone to church since he was inaugurated. His mom and grandparents who raised him were atheists. If he were not in politics, I expect he would admit he’s an atheist. I think the following are also essentially non-believers whose only interest in Christianity is to get votes or avoid losing them: Hillary Clinton Bill Clinton George W. Bush Jeb Bush John McCain Donald Trump I don’t know enough...

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The ‘refugee’ crisis in Europe

Posted by John Reed on

I used to respect Europe. What a bunch of politically-correct morons! Have they never heard of the Mariel boatlift? You could caption all the photos from this crisis “Islam,” especially the one of the drowned 3-year old lying dead on the beach. These refugees are running away from Islamic countries. Why? Apparently because Islamic countries suck.  Actions speak louder than words. These people who are “migrating” don’t want to live in countries run by Islamists. They remind me of the Lations coming across the Mexican border with the the U.S. They don’t want to live in countries run by native-born...

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The 9/16/15 Reagan Library Republican debate

Posted by John Reed on

I watched most of the two debates last night. Graham did not have a good answer for Jindal’s accusation that Graham is one of those Republicans who went to DC and turned native. Graham tried the usual excuses. Trump has suggested that energy is the key. If so, Jindal wins. Jindal for the next cabinet. Santorum is too stupid to be president. He is such a religious nut that he cannot comprehend the Constitution separation of church and state, the separation of powers, and the primacy of the Supreme Court in deciding what laws mean. Pataki explained it to him,...

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Trump’s trade positions threaten a worldwide depression

Posted by John Reed on

Donald Trump says he would be a much tougher negotiator on international trade. People say they don’t care about details of what Trump says. All they need is he is not a politician. I’m sorry, but life does not permit such heuristics. Not being a politician is not enough. A non-politician can be a disaster, too. There’s more to the job than just not being sleazy. The Great Depression was caused by the pending, then actual, enactment of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff compounded by the Fed not printing enough money after the stock market crash. Other countries retaliated by enacting their...

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