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All hyperinflation/deflation articles

Posted by John T. Reed on

Wall Street Journal pushes extremely bad Rent-to-own scheme to counter high mortgage rates..
Capital is often not free, but you are. Prepare to use that..
Do NOT buy TIPS for inflation protection


Wall Street Journal still unwisely telling everyone now is not the time to buy a home.
Understand diversification.
John T. Reed’s rules of investment.
The horrible five stages of a US hyperinflation crisis today.
You have been warned more about the coming hyperinflation than you were warned about any other financial crisis, yet hardly anyone is taking the protective steps that will be illegal after the day the dollar dies..
How I got over fear of buying my first duplex.
Kamala will empy store shelves if the wins by forcing stores to sell everything at a loss.
Kamala price controls will empty the store shelve

Why Kamala cannot get rid of obstacles to lower home prices

No one can predict the future but most financial ‘experts’ implicitly base their advice on the past repeating in the futureAre financial advisers really right about the benefits of rebalancing and diversification?
Problems with IRAs and 401(k)s you probably never heard about.
Why Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities do not adequately protect you from inflation


Do not buy a cash annuity. Life estates and RAM mortgages that pay a lump sum or okay..

The right things for rich people to buy

Create your own foreign exchange ‘index fund.’

Foreign currency can save you from inflation below the hyperinflation level.

Do not buy bonds.

You can live like a king in a hyperinflated nation if you are not a citizen of that country..
You can sell valuable personal property now. Maybe not after hyperinflation starts.

Most people would not know how to spend sums like several million wisely

Forbes and me on how to protect yourself from inflation

Should you buy Costco gold or solver bars? No. Here’s why.

Two 3/30/24 Wall Street Journal article gold statements worth noting


Investment Basics

Silver is better than gold but nickel is much better than both for hedging against inflation

Nickel is a buy and a better inflation hedge than gold or silver

Gold is now double its real long term average price. Sell.

No tax benefits for owning a duplex in a state where you do not live

RED ALERT: Heritage Foundation gives us only a “few years” until all tax revenue must be spent on debt

Storing important things where you and your heirs can find them

Beware of locking in ‘high’ interest rates

Recent interest rate drops do NOT mean stocks will go up

Gold is an awful inflation hedge, here’s a better one

‘Experts’ still implying you should wait to buy a home because of poor analysis

You probably CAN afford to buy a home in spite of so many telling you that you cannot

You alway pay market interest rates when you buy a house with a mortgage

The Wall Street Journal and Fox News/Business lack expertise on real estate investment, inflation, and 2024 warfare

How to behave when you cross the border following my hyperinflation advice

Wall Street Journal says home buying math no longer good. Bull!

The best real interest rate yield you can get is probably paying down one of your loans

Wall Street Journal again claiming homes are in a slump when they went up 3.9%


The Wall Street Journal continues to mislead as to the resilience of the home as an investment.

A reverse mortgage is a great way to profit from inflation by shorting the purchasing power of the US dollar

Wall Street Journal says China may get deflation. What is that?

Do not buy rental property; just more and more expensive principal residences.

Misleading Wall Street Journal story that hides how good of an investment a home is

Wall Street Journal says crypto may be too popular to die. Bull!

Open letter to Steve Forbes about his wanting to return to a gold standard

WSJ says gold near record. No. Still about $500 away from the record.

Wall Street Journal still pushing the 1930 60-40 strategy and its mere 5% returns

Hyperinflation will be worse than the Great Depression

You gotta be nuts to buy an annuity today

Interesting juxtaposition of diversified assets in Wall Street Journal’s 4/1/23

Wall Street Journal keeps hiding the great success of homes as an investment

WSJ’s main home prices ‘cooling off’ writer now admitting they are going up on most of the US.

The world’s greatest short is available to you.

Get the biggest 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage on your home that you can safely afford.

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